How is This Entertaining? – IOTW Report

How is This Entertaining?

I know people are generally not this cruel by nature, which goes to illustrate how mass hypnosis can take hold and prevent people from thinking.

Men cannot be women, masks do nothing, Islam is not peaceful, and this is not entertainment.

I’m guilty. I watch boxing from time to time, but the reality hits me once in awhile and I realize I am watching someone try to beat the shit out of someone and knock them out into next week.


26 Comments on How is This Entertaining?

  1. Two men willingly enter the ring in MMA & boxing so that doesn’t bother me.
    This shit certainly did.
    Thing is, leftists think that ancient civilizations still own this land.
    Those motherfuckers did this kind of shit to their fellow human beings.

  2. Not sure what language is being spoken. Sounds Arabic

    What kind of monsters would do this. I suspect middle eastern savages.

    Can set their hair on fire and guffaw?

    This shit pisses me off.

  3. “Whatever you do donā€™t watch that”

    No worries, I got the jist at 5 seconds and stopped it. Animal cruelty crosses a major line for me.

    I used to check-in on Jihad Watch site, but they had too many posts about savage Arabs either beating camels with boards or injecting dogs with acid. I don’t go there anymore.

    ā€œThe greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.ā€ ā€• Mahatma Gandhi

  4. The abuse/cruelty of animals is heartbreaking. Seeing it hurts, but this happens all the time, especially throughout the Third World everyday. Poor animal was in agony before they lit his horns on fire. Savage, evil, barbaric thugs.


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