How Lazy ARE We? – IOTW Report

How Lazy ARE We?

39 Comments on How Lazy ARE We?

  1. No different than talk to text on the handheld portable computer that we can’t be bothered to hold now. We will all evolve into doughy, round, slug-like, imbeciles soon enough. I am looking forward to seeing the first episode of “Ow, my balls!” As foretold in the documentary ‘Idiocracy’.

  2. I’ve been the kitchen slave since the quarantine started. Then, I decided to do a kitchen remodel. I can’t cook now as I have no sink and the place is demolished. Am I the only person losing weight due to Rona? My skinny jeans are sliding off!

  3. I was answering a call on my phone one day and a guy looked at me like I had grown two heads. When I got off, he told me I was old that they have these things to not have to ever touch your phone. He when on to show me and then tell me how even in the car he doesn’t touch his phone or radio, at home he touches nothing, he speaks and everything is done for him. I told him I wish I was smart enough to be a hacker, because I would make his life miserable.

  4. Next up: The Amazon ‘Alexa Cup.’ It stirs your coffee, responds to your every command, automatically orders more of everything (from Amazon, of course), plays music, gives the news, controls your security system and lights, monitors your heart and respiration, checks your blood for COVID and determines if you’re socially fit to live in society. If not, it blows up in your face and takes you for a ride off planet.

    And millions will buy it.

  5. Old racist white woman – One of my co-workers bought one and was talking about how cool it was. I said he looked like a moron, talking to himself with a cue ball (it was huge and bulbous) sticking out of his ear. I then proceeded to pick up my pc mouse and put it to my ear and had a conversation with no on in particular. He stopped wearing it a couple of days later. We never saw it again…haha

  6. Chuckie, I hate it when you think they’re talking to you.

    Another guy I know who is all for all this smart crap, had his entire house set up where he would tell his phone when he wasn’t at home to turn his A/C up or down, lights on and off, etc. Then when he was home he never moved doing everything with his voice. Then one day somebody hacked his system, they had his home alarms going off, had his heat turned up to 90 degrees, tv on, lights on and he couldn’t stop it. It cost him a lot of money for them to come out and fix it. Cracked me up. He also had one of those things to see everything going on in his house and outside his house. Then someone hacked that crap and put videos of him on the internet. Again cracked me up, especially when he whined nobody respected privacy anymore. You basically invite people into your home and then whine about privacy. The first thing to happen would have been when I removed that shit out of my home, but yet he still has all of it and says he has better protections now.

    I don’t want or need any of that crap, I wouldn’t even have a cellphone if it wasn’t for the fact that ATT started charging double the amount for a landline phone vs a cell phone.

  7. In May my wife hit a deer that totaled her minivan. Since then she has been driving her Mom’s car.

    Yesterday she finally made a decision on what vehicle to buy to replace it. Insisting it have motor drive to open the side doors, rear hatch, that it have the blind spot warning system and so on. There are buttons on both the front and back side of the steering wheel that control various things.

    Voice commands to find radio stations or tell the GPS system where you want to go. [ I hate talking to machines & prefer simpler systems] It’s so complicated the auto dealer emailed several videos just to explain how to operate or configure various functions.

    My view is for decades you were able to open doors yourself without some system that will open the doors when you wave your foot two times under the chassis of the vehicle. And it would cost less. Warning that if she wasn’t careful she could end up like the characters in the movie, WALL-e, that were no longer able to do anything for themselves.

  8. ORWW – I know what you mean. I can’t stand people that feel the need to be “winning” and just so much smarter and better than you, technology-wise and love to brag about it. Good to hear the idiot was hacked…he asked for it. Keep it simple stupid has always been my motto.


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