How Libs Let Themselves Be Manipulated By “Comedians” – IOTW Report

How Libs Let Themselves Be Manipulated By “Comedians”

If you’ve ever ventured into the comments section of a liberal site you’ve seen how much leftists crave affirmation. They need to be told how much smarter they are than everyone else and they need protection from ever having their views challenged.comedian

Send in the clowns.

Leftists rely on celebs, in general, and comedians, in particular, to provide this function.

The lefty comedianfeeds them lies and propaganda and the audience thinks to themselves “it’s funny cause it’s true.” They ignore the fact that the entertainer is playing on their prejudices and feeding them the red meat they crave.

When confronted with the fact that the comedian is full of crap, you’re typical leftist has two responses: A). It’s just a joke B.) You’re taking this far too seriously (and by implication you’re an idiot and a humorless square for doing so).

Meanwhile, the leftists get to enjoy a heaping helping of smugness (“Stupid Conservative, I’m so much more sophisticated / intelligent/ hip because, look at me, I’m laughing and you’re not.

This piece on defending N. Dakota against the “comedy” of John Oliver demonstrates the phenomenon-


It’s not the article itself, but the comments, where you see the liberal in its natural state.

Jon Stewart built his career on the progressive Dutch Rudder and the left went into mourning when he finally walked away from The Daily Show.

4 Comments on How Libs Let Themselves Be Manipulated By “Comedians”

  1. I recently got about half an hour into a stand-up “comedy” dhow on Netflix before rating it as low as I could and exiting the show. The “comedian” was a former member of a not-particularly-funny but successful comedy group who mostly just dressed up in women’s clothing, but without the Monty Python funny to accompany it. He spent most of the first part of the show dissing on his ex-wife.

    About half an hour in, he “makes a confession”: “I’m smart” and then goes on to deride conservatives and how wonderful Obama is. The crowd of course agrees. It is, after all, so edgy to mouth a pandering platitude to an audience that totally agrees with you.

    He of course exaggerated conservative beliefs, gave no real evidence of his supposed intelligence, and ascribed “hate” to his targets as he gleefully slung every foul accusation he could.

    In the end, there were only two things to remember: he said his life had turned “more shitty” since his mediocre tv series was cancelled, and he wore a huge coat to try to hide how fat he had become. You could see the sharp downward trajectory of this guy’s life. I expect in a few years to read a “whatever happened to” or “vaguely remembered has-been found hiding in bushes outside Denny’s” article on this guy.

    Because he’s so smart.

  2. Mark Twain said it best: “Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand”
    This is because laughter can indicate lofty contempt

    Liberals need this as a tool to deride those who disagree because their ideas do not stand on their own. So they must attack those who express any incredulity at their assumptions.

    Conservatives should deride the Left because the only thing more appalling to a Liberal than the truth is being laughed at.
    This would mean they are not cool, and on trend.
    They cannot deal with that.
    It is their biggest weakness

  3. “They need to be told how much smarter they are than everyone else and they need protection from ever having their views challenged.”

    Leave it. Seriously. Engaging leftists in rationality is as pointless as being cruel to the mentally retarded. Actually, it is exactly the same thing.

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