How Low Can CNN Go? – IOTW Report

How Low Can CNN Go?

That low. And lower-

Dr. Leana Wen, former head of Planned Parenthood and current CNN ‘medical expert’ says ‘Freedoms must be taken away in order to force people into getting vaccine’.

h/t Brad.

36 Comments on How Low Can CNN Go?

  1. Besides, why should I listen to a former baby murderer?

    The bottom line is that people are seeing through this nonsense and the Deep State has lost the narrative. I never relinquished my freedoms, therefore I don’t need any “vaccine” to re-obtain them.

  2. She supports killing the unborn for whatever…

    Does that sound very Christ like..?

    and current CNN ‘medical expert’ LOL…….Or Oh Shit…The public is fickle.

  3. Leftists are on a power trip. They could care less if elderly are high risk. It’s all about power over others for them. It’s a fucking flu bug, not the end of humanity.

  4. Common sense has left the planet!

    It’s way too late to recover from these deceptions.

    We are headed to chopping off heads in public to get the “herd” immunity that compliance generates.

    I’m looking for Jesus to come sort it out soon and your church and religion won’t save you.

    Only a personal relationship with Jesus and a solid understanding of God’s Will and word will do. Ad far as the world goes consider me obsolete.

  5. Sounds like she needs her freedoms taken away for everyone’s sake, being a danger to a free society, cause she is psycho.
    We have this little piece of paper called the Constitution and Bill of Rights, maybe they should read that?

  6. There’s a growing contagion of communist ideals being touted by chineeses!
    The likely source is Biden’s perpetually self-filling adult diapers.

  7. Fire and Maneuver.
    Command, Control, and Communications.

    Crush your enemy, see him driven before you, hear the lamentations of his soy boys.

    izlamo delenda est …

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