How Many Jets Do the Founders of Google Need? – IOTW Report

How Many Jets Do the Founders of Google Need?

Simple Flying

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two cofounders of American software and technology giant Google, maintain an impressive collection of private aircraft. Alongside Eric Schmidt, the executives own five different private jets for their own personal use. Notably, these are not Google corporate jets, the aircraft are neither owned nor operated by the company itself. More

19 Comments on How Many Jets Do the Founders of Google Need?

  1. Now, now, you’re asking a bad question. Consider: how many guns to you need? How much ammo do you need? How big a V-8 engine do you need?

    It isn’t a matter of need, it’s a matter of want and whether or not you have the means to satisfy your desires. If I had as much money as those two, I might want multiple airplanes myself.

  2. “How Many Jets Do the Founders of Google Need?”

    That sounds just like that dope Obama who flippantly asked ,”At some point how much money do you really need?”

    The answer to the question is as many jets as they want. They created their own wealth, they can spend it any way they want.

    Let’s not forget, those jets provided good-paying jobs to those who built them and supplied even more jobs to those that maintained them.

    It is the left that wallows in class envy and righteous indignation over consumption that does not align with their virtue signaling. Of course, they hate capitalism and would prefer equity over exceptionalism.

  3. Justine Turdettes Jet TOOK a SHIT on the RUNWAY in India & was Grounded for a couple days while he sat Jerking Off in his hotel room.

    A CLASSIC METAPHOR 4 What He DID to create Canuckistan. (Formerly Known as CANADA)

    Build Back STU CAZZO! (this dick)

  4. Last week the the US Navy’s BLUE ANGELS did the Air show in Toronto.

    I got on my bike & found some high ground where I could see them for free. They were great in YOUR F-18 Super Hornets!

    You have a great country America & many talented people. The shit will pass & you WILL GET BACK ON TRACK!

    Us too, eventually.

    Cheers Bastages!

    Love y’all

  5. Exactly what Anonymous said. As long as they don’t lecture ME on fuel consumption, what car I drive, how much I fly, how much electricity and water I use and what I eat, what kind of appliances I have, how many guns and how much ammo I own, how I live my life, etc., I don’t care about how many jets they have.

  6. Agree that they have the means, and right, to overindulge on fossil fuel guzzlers that can get them around the world in short order.

    However, shut the hell up about our ICE vehicles, gas stoves and furnaces, and stop forcing pathetic “clean electric” shit down our throats. Until then, I have zero respect for the ultra-rich that are pushing to bring us plebes back into the middle ages where there were 15 minute cities.

  7. Wow, where are all the climate control & fossil fuel freaks?

    They’re sitting in the highways, bitching about what type and how many firearms we own, what we drive, how much meat we eat, why we don’t support abortion, LBGTQRS, trans perverts in our schools or reading to our children in Libraries. Let alone attacking our Freedom of Speech, Parental, Constitutional and Religious Rights.

    Paraphrasing Exodus 20:17, Hebrews 13:5 & many more scripture referencing covetousness. “Don’t covet your neighbors stuff.”

  8. Good for them!

    In this story is buried the origins of the Boeing 737 BBJ, in that commercial airplanes, with even very customized interiors, can be less expensive than “business jets” like Gulfstreams. More so if you buy older models; above $15M 767 was selling new at that time at over $60M, engines and certain avionics not included.

  9. I wouldn’t care if they owned 100 jets except for the fact that they push climate hoax and electric, go nowhere cars and every other leftard agenda item. They ought to name their part of the hangar “Hypocrisy, Inc”

  10. Have what you want within your means. In the absence of Christian moral grounding one would have to throw a lot of caveats at that statement. Leave others to have what they want, again within the traditional Christian moral framework.

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