How Many of You Showoffs Would Do This? – IOTW Report

How Many of You Showoffs Would Do This?

33 Comments on How Many of You Showoffs Would Do This?

  1. Nope. Never happen. I’m waaaay much too much of a tight-ass.

    However, I will (and have done) get up on a stage and address an audience of hundreds of people to tell them things that will piss them off, and enjoyed it. So there’s that.

  2. I did that once, only to find out the next day that it was my car roof that I had been dancing on at a wedding. I have sworn off all weddings since paying for the damages to the Volvo wagon.

  3. Dunno. I was a blackout drunk early on, so there’s a number of years I honestly don’t know WHAT I did.

    I DO vaguely remember going to a bar and yelling at the female-led band to do a Judas Priest song until they got sick of it, but I bought a wife beater T-shirt with the band’s name on it later and made enough of a drunk ass of myself that they turned the spotlight on it, but it was just a hole in the wall club so not the same scale at all.

    …on the other hand, it was one of my rare nights when the drinking made me ebullient instead of getting me into drunken knife fights and I ended up closing the joint by getting drunk with the chick that was the bands lead singer, so it wasn’t ALL bad; but other than exceptions. like that, all I can say is thank GOD they didn’t have cell phone cameras 40 years ago…

  4. I agree with others. If he were a fan, he would not have worn his team shirt under a regular shirt. I would also think security would have escorted him out as soon as he finished sliding down the railing.

    And why would the camera have been focused on some guy who was just sitting there unless they knew he was going to do something?

    The video was fun, though.

  5. He looks like Mickey Rooney’s son.

    Of course I wouldn’t do that. I only dance with royalty and beautiful women with money and power. Plus, I wouldn’t be caught dead in that stadium.

    (What dear? You were reading my comment?! Oh I’m just pullin’ their legs, dearheart. EASY! So help me, Alice!)

  6. yeah, plant … like RadiaMatt said, the camera was on him the moment the music came on, stayed w/ him & the spotlight came on the moment he took his shirt off

    hired to get the crowd going …. money well spent, I’d say

  7. I have been labeled an introvert. Hell my wife calls me an introvert. If you ever met me in a business setting or even social, I’m that guy sitting in the back talking the least, listening the most. I’m only an asshole when I’m behind a key board. Lucky FUR. However, there is one beverage I avoid at all costs. It makes me do crazy shit. In fact I’m still shocked I’m not still in jail from New Years Eve 2020. That beverage my friends is Tequila.

  8. You would never catch me in a crowd of people. Anywhere, for any reason. Never been to a sporting event, never been to a concert. I did go to the youngest school choir concert but I sat against the back wall, next to the door and I was out of there as soon as his bit was over.

  9. Agatha – I’ve always wondered what your avatar means. I almost always see it as someone whose name starts with “D” being completely anchored (or, alternately, dangling a treble hook in red water!). The “D” could also be a shackle on the anchor or hook shaft.

    You’ve probably been asked this before but I missed it.


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