How Many Teachers Tell Their Students “The Constitution Exists To Protect the People From Government”? – IOTW Report

How Many Teachers Tell Their Students “The Constitution Exists To Protect the People From Government”?

In a wonderful piece by John F. Di Leo, for American Thinker, Di Leo asks, “How many teachers tell their students “The Constitution exists to protect the people from government”?

I’d say maybe 5%.

When I see any leftist, particularly Nancy Pelosi, speaking about the constitution in any manner other than disdain I know they are lying.

There is no way they don’t harbor contempt for the constitution when it is, indeed, a document that safeguards us from the government. And the left is the party that wants the government to be bigger, broader, more encompassing, and an agency of control. They hate the constitution, that is why they call it a “living, breathing document.” They would love to morph it into a document that no longer protects us from them, but makes their absolute control over us “legal,” so they don’t have to shoot us.

Di Leo essay HERE.


12 Comments on How Many Teachers Tell Their Students “The Constitution Exists To Protect the People From Government”?

  1. How Many Teachers Tell Their Students “The Constitution Exists To Protect the People From Government”?


    Our government is/has been taken over by self-serving tyrants.

    Our very Constitution instructs US, THE PEOPLE, to fight back against such tyranny.

  2. 5% is hard to believe, it’s more like 0.5%, when you’ve got the majority of today’s students who don’t know when the constitution was written, who fought/won the civil war, revolutionary war, world wars, war of 1812, how many stars/stripes on the US flag, how many continents there are, which way is north, what ocean is on east & west coast, how many presidents there have been, who the vice president is, how many members of congress there are, name of the 2 major political parties, and on and on. And they all laugh and think it’s funny when asked these questions, as if it’s something to be proud of not knowing.

    But they can rattle off who all the Kardashians are, how old they are, how many there are, and what happened on every one of their TeeVee shows.

  3. A couple weeks ago I explained to one of my youngest sons pals why getting rid of the electoral college was a huge mistake. He had no idea what function it performed. But that never stopped him from voicing his opinion that it should be repealed. He doesn’t say that anymore. Let’s hope he spreads the knowledge’ Lack of familiarization of our founding document by the public schools to our young people is intentional.

  4. I kind-a went off on my kids Friday. One asked if lunch was “free” for everyone now. After a rant about nothing is free, 53% living off of 47%, discussing 20 trillion in debt, what a balanced checkbook was, I finally said “on behalf of my generation, I’m sorry” and let them go to recess early. I haven’t been fired yet, but we’ll see what Monday brings.

  5. Another thing, it’s my 28th year. I don’t give a shit what they do to me anymore. They said they were going to fire me several times last year for,not getting the shot, now I just have to send the a time stamped negative test every week.

  6. The left is just hoping students don’t run across that pesky part that gives a prescription for what can happen to a government that no longer works for them.


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