How Many Things Do You Count That Are Inappropriate In This Ice Cream Company’s Ad? – IOTW Report

How Many Things Do You Count That Are Inappropriate In This Ice Cream Company’s Ad?

This is an ad for Sweet Jesus Ice Cream based in Canada.

They say they aren’t disparaging religion or trying to be political.

Yeah, sure. This is their logo.

26 Comments on How Many Things Do You Count That Are Inappropriate In This Ice Cream Company’s Ad?

  1. His left eye is blackened like all those Pedo’s, I can’t tell but he probably has a NXIVM brand on him, tattoos, a pipe. There is more but I don’t want to hog the thread.

  2. A lot of people will say the “S” is from the Nazi “SS” symbol but is actually a symbol for lightening and a reference to Satan in this Bible verse: Luke 10:18 King James Version (KJV)
    18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

    Otherwise, general pedophilia, monkey on back = heroin addiction, black eye = child abuse.

    Now do Muhammad and Islam with flavors like:

    Raspberry Raqqa
    Peanut Butter & Jihadi Jelly
    Dhimmitude Delight
    French Fatwa Vanilla
    Sharia Swirl
    Allahu Akbar Chocolate Almond

    ISIScream Sandwiches(made with real goat’s milk)

  3. “How Mike Cernovich and his troll army are manufacturing outrage to take down Hollywood liberals.”

    By Christina Cauterucci
    Jul. 25, 2018 11:38 PM

    “Right-wing activists are on a pedophile-hunting spree. Over the past several days, supporters of Donald Trump have targeted a series of left-leaning celebrities for tweets and jokes that make light of child rape…”

    Sweet jesus, Christina, Cernovich is not manufacturing the outrage. Your gay pedo buddies have a goddam assembly line and double shifts.

  4. I think there is nothing wrong with it. Their pride in their ad makes it very clear that I’d never go there.

    Just magine how sweet it would be, if every political candidate advertised their truth, instead of the CONSTANT campaign lies?

    Add to that Truthful Disclosure ads from obamination, HRC, the DOJ, FBI, the fake media.

    Like the movie LIAR, LIAR.

  5. Vet, the pipe is the most manly thing about that kid. What we need to focus on, is telling the Saudis that that kid is how Canadians portray muhammed in history books.

  6. Talk about gaying up a kid in an ad. The pedos must love this.
    Then the upside down cross on their logo is a sign of the devil.
    Want to take any bets on what the owners are like?

  7. The I’m innocent of intentionally setting out to offend story put out by the owners Andrew Richmond and Amin Todai falls into the BS bucket when the symbolism added to the name is taken into account. .

    I won’t be buying any of their ice cream. They are free to choose their own path. But, ” Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” G 6:7. Something I often fail to remember to be mindful of in the things I say.

  8. That should be more of a hard liquor ad, shouldn’t it?

    Just on looks, I’m not interested in the ice cream.
    Must not taste very good if they have to resort to all that. *shrugs*

  9. I remember those pants, traditional dress blue wool uniform pants from when I was in the Navy. And you’re right, you have to be quick to unbutton those puppies so that you don’t pee all over yourself. I still have mine but there is no way in hell I could fit in them now, I was a size 32 (when I was young and skinny) and now wear a size 38.

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