How #MeToo Works – IOTW Report

How #MeToo Works

7 Comments on How #MeToo Works

  1. Needs of the Party first, last, always. Rape is an act of violence, but now it’s purpose is to be a violent accusation wielded against ideological enemies… in itself a form of rape.

    Women are politically expendable to the Left. If this situation doesn’t prove it, nothing can. Remember it next time the Left accuses a conservative of ANYTHING.

  2. We already know they couldn’t care less who’s raped. They just want power. That’s no great revelation.

    Moving on, we also know that there is real science behind how many lives are going to be lost due to a lockdown. And that it is being ignored in order to give us science like Niel Fergeson’s. And we know that the lockdown was to ‘flatten the curve’ but now it’s ‘no more deaths’ in order to keep us in our houses.

    It’s one giant scam and our elected republicans are doing nothing, and no republican appointed judges are issuing nationwide or statewide injunctions against this tyranny.

    Everyone has to admit that the republican party is worse than worthless, they are complicit, and they are utter scum. Just as scummy as the democrats.
    To deny it is putting one’s head in the sand.

  3. Just a reminder that this logic comes from the same crowd of ignorant, snot-bubbling, butt-picking, fart-cupping, finger-smelling, Obama-voting idiots out there who also endorse the truly mindless shit from Planet Vacuous about 57 genders, preferred pronouns, what bathroom to use, Liberal “men” fighting to see a gynecologist… Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd the same people who would try to convince you to drink the Kool-Aid on a Jim Jones camp-out!

  4. F*** the #Metoo movement, it’s has been a scam the entire time!
    I’ve enjoyed watching them eat their own while trying to take Trump down. FUCK EM!


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