How much do you know about your mother? – IOTW Report

How much do you know about your mother?

Let’s hear about your moms. Copy and paste the questions into your comment and answer as much as what makes you comfortable.

-Where was your mom born?

-What is/was her favorite television show?

-Who is/was her favorite singer?

-Who is/was her favorite actor/actress?

-What is/was her favorite movie?

-What is/was her favorite flower?

-Where was her first date with your father?

-What is/was her favorite sport?

-What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage?

-What is your favorite memory about your mother?

58 Comments on How much do you know about your mother?

  1. – Any Irish Traditional music
    – 94 years old…gone 5 years ago this week…me and my two boys visited her that very day…we left…and she died.
    – She ‘played baseball with her sister and brother’ that I know…
    – Raised the ten of us…one being autistic…me being the last…never heard a complaint from her.
    – too busy to watch much TV…
    – Didn’t drink or smoke… but she would ‘share a beer’ in a short green glass with me…
    – her and my dad (gone as well) met on…VALENTINES DAY in 1943 when he was in the USCG WWII…on leave…blind date.

    She said, “…Always present yourself with a smile____, you have such a nice one…”

    We were on a road trip to see my oldest bro graduate from the USAF Academy…she got pulled over in Nebraska for going 95mph…”

    Trooper says: “Uhh Margaret…don’t you think you were going fast with all those children in the car???”

    Miss ya mom.

    (and good thread BFH)

  2. -Where was your mom born?
    Either Baltimore, MD or Martinsburg, WV. I always thought Martinsburg, but her birth certificate says Baltimore.
    -What is/was her favorite television show?
    Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. She liked many game shows over the years.
    -Who is/was her favorite singer?
    I don’t know.
    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress?
    I don’t know.
    -What is/was her favorite movie?
    I don’t know.
    -What is/was her favorite flower?
    -Where was her first date with your father?
    I don’t know.
    -What is/was her favorite sport?
    She was not into competitive sports. She did ride horses in her youth.
    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage?
    -What is your favorite memory about your mother?
    I remember riding my tricycle in the basement while she was doing the laundry. The stairs were at the center, so I would ride laps around it. Every time I passed her she would clip clothespins in my hair. By the time we were done it looked like dreadlocks. Sorry – no pictures.
    She passed away in January at 100 years old – a centenarian.
    Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

  3. -Who is/was her favorite singer? No idea at all, though she introduce me to guitar and piano,

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress? None that I know of.

    -What is/was her favorite movie? None that I know.

    -What is/was her favorite flower? Roses.

    -Where was her first date with your father? Not a clue.

    -What is/was her favorite sport? Golf. Introduced me to basketball, which got me out of Chicago, and into a completely unrelated a career I’ve had for forty-five years. Relationships from hoops lead me where I am today.

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage? Martini, gin.

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? Dancing with her at my wedding. Her “Isn’t that what you are supposed to do” attitude when I scored 31 points opening game as a high school senior, which lead to a very fine senior year, college, and where I am blessed to be today.

  4. You have offended orphans. I’m starting a new sjw group OLM, Orphan Lives Matter. I need donations to fund new home purchases in Hollywood and Malibu to use as orphanages. Cash only. No checks.

  5. Where was your mom born? In her parent’s house in the hills of Arkansas.

    -What is/was her favorite television show? When she was younger she liked soap operas; All My Children, One Life to Live and General Hospital, when she got older she had to watch Price is Right every day.

    -Who is/was her favorite singer? Patsy Cline and Loretta Lynn

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress? She didn’t have one.

    -What is/was her favorite movie? I can’t remember her ever watching an entire movie, although she did talk about as a teen going to the movie shows, silent movies. lol

    -What is/was her favorite flower? Petunia

    -Where was her first date with your father? Don’t think they ever really did date. They came from the sticks.

    -What is/was her favorite sport? She really wasn’t in to sports of any kind, but she would baseball and kick ball with us when we were kids.

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage? She didn’t drink.

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? I don’t really have one.

  6. My Mother teaching me to cook and bake recipes from my Grandma and Great Grandma’s collection.

    Brings a tear to the eye 😿 and a smile to the face. 🐱

  7. Vienna, Austria.
    Russ Limbaugh.
    Telling the truth about Democrats and how they reminded her of Nazis.
    Hating anything Clinton.
    Loving her 10 kids.
    Reminding everyone what it’s like to be so hungry you’re scraping bacon and animal fat off railroad tracks to survive during WWII.

  8. -Where was your mom born?
    Northern Michigan

    -What is/was her favorite television show?
    She never sat in front of the tv until we were grown. Then she liked “The Young and the Restless”

    -Who is/was her favorite singer?
    Bob Hope

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress?
    Katherine Hepburn and Boggie from “The African Queen” days.

    -What is/was her favorite movie?
    “The African Queen”

    -What is/was her favorite flower?

    -Where was her first date with your father?
    Don’t know

    -What is/was her favorite sport?
    Whatever her children/grandchildren were in at the time

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage?
    Didn’t drink

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother?
    Whenever we were getting in the car to go somewhere, Mom was the last one out of the house. EVERY TIME! Sometimes we waited for 10-20 minutes. We finally made a joke of it and kept telling her that she didn’t need to paint the kitchen before we left. She wasn’t amused!

  9. My mom was born in Sothern Idaho in 1925 and grew up on a farm on the Snake River in Adrian, Oregon (home of HS Adrian Jackrabbits and probably less than a thousand people) just across the river from Idaho. She had two brothers and 2 sisters, the last one my uncle Jim (who looked like and talked like Jimmy Stewart) just passed away last fall at the age of 90. She moved to Spokane in the late 40’s and went to college here and met my dad about 1951 or so because she was the cousin of my dad’s best friend in HS in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. They were married June 1st 1952 at the Hitching Post in CDA, a small wedding chapel by a Justice of the Peace, (the Hitching Post is still there and still does weddings to this day). I came along 9 months later in March 1953 and have 3 younger brothers all born from 1953-58. They were married for nearly 66 years until they both passed away 3 years ago in 2018. My mom’s favorite singer was Tennessee Ernie Ford although I know she liked Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra as well. She was raised as a farm girl just like my dad who was also raised on a farm. She was a teacher for a while until she found out that she really wasn’t that good at it and raised us and taught us. A Cub Scout Den Mother to one of my brothers Cub scout troops, for that she was a brave woman. She worked as a secretary for the Salvation Army for a while in the late 60’s and then worked for Inland Power & Light as a secretary as well for about 25 or more years and then volunteered at the local cop shop. She could fix most everything especially us her 4 rambunctious boys and would was not afraid of blood. She once unstuck my youngest brothers foot from a muskrat trap that he got caught in fooling around in a neighbor kids garage and didn’t bat an eye or the time my next youngest brother broke his leg screwing around on a scaffold at a new neighborhood grocery store being built. She was a Presbyterian and tried to raise us as such, I am a Christian but not a Presbyterian. She did a good job but unfortunately at the end had severe dementia and I spent a lot of my parents last year taking care of them. Even when she was crazy she knew what a rubber room was because my brother threatened to put in her in a rubber room and he became that guy because of that even though she didn’t know he said it. And they both loved Fred the cat, a black and white tuxedo cat who adopted them by showing up on their door step and lived with them until they both died. And was way too nice to our half beagle Jones and fed him chocolate which is what finally killed him and he loved beef jerky, if you had some beef jerky he knew it and wouldn’t let you go until you gave him some. She did a very good job for a farm girl raised during the Depression and World War 2 at marrying my dad and raising us. And one of her favorite phrases was, “If we get nuked hide under the toilet because it’s never been hit, that’s what you get raising 5 boys my dad and us to be good men. And she could out walk just about anybody and was full of spunk all the way up until the end..

  10. My mom came to our church when my brother invited her invited her and she saw me get up the gumption to corner Patty, my wife to be in October 1976 when I jumped over some pews to talk to her before she left church that morning. She thought that was funny and she was a good mother in law to my wife just like my wife’s folks were to me.

  11. -Where was your mom born? Charleston WV

    -What is/was her favorite television show? She did not like TV

    -Who is/was her favorite singer? She liked the Big Bands–Glenn Miller especially but not sure about singers

    -What is/was her favorite flower? Pansies, so hard to give her a bouquet!

    -Where was her first date with your father? She met my Dad at WVU

    -What is/was her favorite sport? She liked to watch football

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage? Martini or Manhattan

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? My Mother was the most intelligent practical woman I have ever known. She did not put up with tantrums or “girlie” stuff and I was going to go to college and work. My favorite memory of her was when she met my son the first time. Who knew she could be so maternal! I loved my Mother and miss her every day. It is always good to have someone who is sensible around you!

  12. 97 yo, won’t give up her license, until I reported her to her doctor. She side swiped an abandoned vehicle and didn’t know what she hit but she hit something. My mother is stubborn and shouldn’t be driving, that’s all I know. I did it for the public’s safety – and her own. I’ll remain anon.

  13. -Where was your mom born?
    Her parents house,she said the kitchen table,I didn’t like eating at grandmas place after hearing that.
    -What is/was her favorite television show?
    -Who is/was her favorite singer?
    She cried when Elvis died.
    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress?
    Burt Reynolds,She met him once and was thrilled.
    -What is/was her favorite movie?
    Don’t know,probably something with Burt.
    -What is/was her favorite flower?
    -Where was her first date with your father?
    Local dan ce hall.
    -What is/was her favorite sport?
    Golf and boxing.
    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage?
    Never touches it.
    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? Every morning I wake her,some times she recognizes me most times not.I thank God she has survived cancer and I am able to care for her, I love her dearly and on her days of clarity she tells e she loves me too.

  14. -Where was your mom born?
    SW Virginia, Wise County, coal country

    -What is/was her favorite television show?
    I don’t think she had one.

    -Who is/was her favorite singer?
    When she was a young lady, her sister dated Tennessee Ernie Ford, and my mother always had good memories when she’d hear his voice.

    -What is/was her favorite flower?
    Portea petropolitana

    -Where was her first date with your father?
    Norfolk Virginia. They were both U.S. Navy officers (yes, my mother was a commissioned officer, Naval Intelligence, and when she sometimes hand carried classified information she also carried a .38 revolver).

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage?
    Old Fashioned

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother?
    Gee, too many to make it easy to pick one! OK, I’ll go with this: She and my father were married on September 1, 1943 and my sister was born May 31, 1944. I came along five years later (coincidentally, today is my 72nd birthday).

  15. -Where was your mom born? At home.

    -What is/was her favorite television show? None. She like the rest of our family gave up tv ‘programming’ decades ago.

    -Who is/was her favorite singer? Tony Bennett

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress? None, see above.

    -What is/was her favorite movie? None, see above.

    -What is/was her favorite flower? Iris

    -Where was her first date with your father? HS football game

    -What is/was her favorite sport? Hockey

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage? None, never indulged.

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? Helping me catch frogs.

  16. My mom wasn’t afraid of critters, we always had our fair share of dogs, cats, frogs, pollywogs, preying mantises, horned toads which my older cousin from Nevada would always bring for us and other assorted critters like small snakes etc. And she yelled at my next brother once when he and a friend were bringing a rock chuck (marmot) home attached to a belt around its neck. She saw them coming as she was walking home from work and yelled at him “Get rid of that damn thing now.” So they had to let it go. She wasn’t too happy the time she found a skinned snake frozen in the freezer that my brother was intending to cut up up and eat later. My brother also lost a 6 foot bull snake in an upstairs cubby hole and we never knew what happened to the snake although they did find a similar snake run over in the street in front of our house sometime later.

  17. Born in Akron, as was dad and all of us kids. Same hospital.
    Favorite tv shows were mostly game shows. Groucho’s You Bet Your Life was a favorite. At the end she liked Cash Cab, as do I. Also liked Art Linkletter and Kids Say the Darndest Things.

    Favorite singer? Neil Diamond with Roy Orbison a close second. They saved her life last November and gave us 5 more months together.

    I don’t know who her fave actor actresses were. She loved Jack Benny and Cary Grant and Myrna Loy.
    Hardest I ever heard her laugh was the Gene Wilder/Peter Boyle tux and tails’Puttin on the Ritz’.

    Favorite flower? Any purple flower her son bought her. She hated calla lilies though. Funeral flowers. I agree.

    First Mother’s Day without Mom. No card. No flowers. No candy and worst of all….no phone call.

    Miss you mom.

  18. -L.A.

    -She enjoys crime dramas a lot. Both older and newer. I guess either Magnum PI or NCIS LA?

    -Soul music and funk are her favorites, so either Marvin Gaye or The Gap Band.

    -John Wayne? She loves western movies and he reminds her of her dad (may he rest in piece).

    -Roses. Especially peach or pink colored.

    -They met at a Jazz Club but technically their first date was his office Christmas Party the following week.

    -Basketball (and how.)

    -White Wine.

    -Her playing piano while I danced around the room as a child. She would change up the song and I would interpret it accordingly. 😉

  19. My Mom passed away shortly before Christmas last year. She was the youngest of seven siblings who preceded her in death, so the gaps in what I know of her would be very difficult to fill.

    Rest well, Mom. I miss you every day.

  20. My mother was born in NYC after her family came here from a communist country. She became a Marine. Then she married my father because she wanted to live in the country on a farm. (At least that’s the story.) Instead of nursery rhymes and lullabyes we got stuff like From the halls of Montezu-uma… Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro…

    She’s in a nursing home now, with dementia. The good part about that is that she now thinks that I was her favorite child. The bad part is that we’re not sure if she knows who are her children. I called my father this morning and wished him a happy mother’s day.

  21. I’m guessing the first Mother’s Day without Mom is the toughest sledding. Worse than the funeral itself.

    It is in the quietest moments that you realize that you can’t just pick up the phone to check in.

    It’ll pass. But today is the suck.

  22. My mom is still working at 84 soon to be 85. She and my dad have a newspaper route.
    They deliver papers in the middle of the night, every night. They drive around a rural area and they love it. They’ve been doing this for almost 40 years.
    Mom (and dad) love President Trump. She went to a couple of car rallies with me last year. She is very sweet and very fierce. I can only dream to be like her.

  23. My biological mother loved me enough–even before I was born–to give me up for adoption. Despite family pressures.

    My adoptive mother was loving and wonderful, and didn’t keep my adoption a secret.

    I was doubly blessed in mothers.

  24. Where was your mom born?
    On her grandparents farm, Tuscarawas County Ohio

    -What is/was her favorite television show? Longmire (but Blue Bloods and Yellowstone are in there too)

    -Who is/was her favorite singer?
    The Letterman way back when but Michael Buble now.

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress? Clint Eastwood when I was little, Tom Selleck then and now and Robert Taylor from Longmire. Big strong tall men! Kind of a contrast to my Dad! D’oh!!

    -What is/was her favorite movie? She liked all those disaster movies from the 70’s but likes modern westerns now.

    -What is/was her favorite flower? Daisies and irises

    -Where was her first date with your father? BarBQ at her cousins’ house (who was my Dad’s BFF)

    -What is/was her favorite sport? Golf

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage? Riunite wine on New Years Eve

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? Shopping at the downtown Lazarus store in Columbus, OH when I was 12-14 years old. We’d eat at the Colonial Room, marvel at the ladies who’d dine in the Chinz Room and spend the day looking at everything on the six floors. We’d ride the bus there, meet Dad to go home. Another, the first time my parents saw an ocean, any ocean. In their 80’s sitting on a log at Kalaloch Beach, WA. Completely in awe.

  25. PHenry–

    I remember the first year after my mother died. Holidays were very difficult–Mother’s Day was especially sad, as it was only a few months after her unexpected death.

    I wrote cards to her on all those special days that first year. I sealed them and put them away in a box. Someday my daughter will open that box and those cards, and read what I wrote in my grieving. She will then know how much I loved her grandmother, whom she never knew.

    Your mother’s love will be with you always, PHenry.

  26. Me and Mary Hatch are thinking about you Phenry…

    YES quite frankly it sucks…put on some Neil Diamond for her…more like you…my friend…

  27. My mom was born at home. She was the middle of three sisters. She never missed a single day of school in twelve years. She was working at a store selling makeup and ice cream when my father spotted her. He told his buddy he was going to marry her some day. He did. She was extraordinarily beautiful but rather shy and humble. She was truly the kindest person I have ever known. All of my cousins and friends used to ask me if she was really as nice as she seemed. She was. She had four children and was a full time homemaker and mother and Christian. My dad worked hard so that she could be. They stayed together through it all. I held her hand when she took her last breath. I miss her so much. She was simply wonderful. I was so lucky.

  28. Where was your mother born? Nuremberg, Germany

    Who is/was her favorite singer? Nelson Eddy from waaaaaayback

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress? Hardy Kruger

    -What is/was her favorite movie? anything Alfred Hitchcock

    -What is/was her favorite flower? Azaleas

    -Where was her first date with your father? Blind date at a restaurant. He wasn’t supposed to be fraternizing with the Germans

    -What is/was her favorite sport? Golf addict

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage? Any cheap beer combined with Limburger cheese

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? Needle working together – knitting, embroidery

  29. My Mom played sports in school but she did not follow any national teams. She played mostly softball and claimed to be pretty good and would play with the older kids at family reunions. The first movie
    she ever saw was Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, Disney 1939. I don’t recall her watching other movies or having too many favorites. She liked to sing corny stuff like Don’t Fence Me In. When I was a teen she used to wait up for me and sleep on the sofa and liked Johnny Carson. She met my Dad at a diner after work and he was with a buddy and her work friend was acquainted with them, so later she went driving with the guys and got stuck in the snow in the country. She lived in a boarding house and worked at a small Kroger store in another city where she transferred from her home town to get away from home. She was oldest of 8 kids and went home every weekend to cook Sunday dinner. I recall when she sold $40. worth of strawberries from her patch one year, Dunlaps and they were excellent. I recall many things but she supervised me making my first pie for which I got a blue ribbon at the county fair. She did not touch anything but told me everything to do and it was very beneficial. I used to watch her make homemade noodles, and when dry would cut them fine on the kitchen table. So many things I could go on and on. Her meals were the best!

  30. Got to add Mom was born at home on the farm and the “midwife” was her own father, my Grandfather, who birthed all 8 of his kids, she said! This I learned after my grandparents were deceased. Mom said it was just like birthing a calf. Well that’s what she said to me

  31. My dad kept asking my mother out freshman year of college but, even though she thought he was handsome and smart, she thought he was a ‘fast’ boy, not her type and she was scared to go with him alone in his convertible. In the spring, they had a music appreciation class together and had to attend some local concerts. He kept asking her to go with him and she kept declining until his car broke down and he asked if she would go with him to a Sunday afternoon concert at the museum, but they would have to take the bus. Yes!

    When we were growing up, my mother would take each of us out of school for a day and we would take the bus downtown, just the two of us, and we got to choose what museum or gallery to go to and where to have lunch. She considered it educational. We considered it undivided attention.

    Mom didn’t drink when we were growing up. Now she enjoys the occasional glass or champagne or Guiness.

  32. My mother was a “war bride” who dearly loved her adopted country. She believed immigrants had to learn English and that no one was entitled to handouts.

    She was forced to give her family up after my father died. She became a Master Gardener, graduated from college at age 64, and reunited her family (even with adoptions that scattered her kids) soon after and now has 12 grandchildren and 490 some great grandkids. All who love America and have a 15 college degrees among them and several skilled journey persons.

    Thanks mutter.

  33. My mom raised 5 boys, and for a brief period of time none of us were even in kindergarten. She’s a tough lady. I’ll never understand her socialist leanings but she raised 5 boys and we’ve all done well. I’m proud of her.

  34. How much do you know about your mother?
    -Where was your mom born? Bronx, NY and will never leave!!

    -What is/was her favorite television show? Dark Shadows

    -Who is/was her favorite singer? Not sure

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress? John Wayne

    -What is/was her favorite movie? Anything to do with the Titanic!

    -What is/was her favorite flower? Rose’s

    -Where was her first date with your father? They met at a friends house. My father’s friend, Rocco’s sister was killed by a hit a run. My mother’s friend, Mary went to the funeral and met Rocco. Mary had a party and invited Rocco and his friend, hence everyone was married, Including Rocco and Mary, two years later!! LOL!

    -What is/was her favorite sport? Baseball, I think. NY Met tickets we got from back of the milk carton!

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage? Beer. Never touched anything else.

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother? My mother has a bad ass temper. DO NOT CROSS HER!! EVER!!!!!! We call her the Gestapo Queen!! She told me she would help bury the bodies and never tell a soul! LOVE HER more than she knows!!

    God Bless us all!

  35. Where was your mom born?
    A: Seattle, WA

    -What is/was her favorite television show?
    A: Anything instructional about painting (art), sewing and quilting…everything about any technology pertaining to crafting and art, including the HSN channel.

    -Who is/was her favorite singer?
    A: I don’t know, but she liked the crooners.

    -Who is/was her favorite actor/actress?
    A: easy one: Paul Newman

    -What is/was her favorite movie?
    A. Anything with Paul Newman in it.

    -What is/was her favorite flower?
    A: Pansies

    -Where was her first date with your father?

    -What is/was her favorite sport?
    A: Swimming

    -What is/was her favorite alcoholic beverage?
    A: Beer

    -What is your favorite memory about your mother?
    A: Sitting next to her in the front seat of the car, perched on her tooled leather, pillbox purse. And any time she took me to the dentist or the doctor’s office we always went to get a strawberry-banana millshake for being so brave. Really, way too many memories of her to write here. I miss her so much! I really, really, really miss the way she would say my name to me. We had a special relationship. I continued to call her “mommy” right up to the end.


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