How Much Evidence is Needed To Indict the Bidens? – IOTW Report

How Much Evidence is Needed To Indict the Bidens?

17 Comments on How Much Evidence is Needed To Indict the Bidens?

  1. My guess is that the Biden’s, along with the Clinton’s, the Bush family dynasty members, in conjunction with a cast of characters both known and suspected, all have the goods on each other. They know who is/was diddling children, who is on the take, who is thieving, who is laundering. They know who is writing the checks and who is cashing the checks.

    It’s a members only club centered around mutually assured destruction. Occasionally, one starts marching to the beat of the wrong drummer and something needs to be done about it. It may be a court case designed to hurt their bank accounts, a public dressing down, or removal from office usually through resignation with another position then attained at a DC based firm that the public will never hear about. The foot soldiers, those at the very bottom rung get a bullet or nowadays, die suddenly. We’ve seen plenty of that.

    They answer only to each other while giving us lip service with their hands deep in our pockets.

    Convince the media the Biden’s are corrupt and the indictments will materialize. Don’t hold your breath.

  2. Nope, sorry, no B8den indictments. Best I can do is a 2-for-1 Trump indictment, indict Trump and get a Trump lawyer indictment for free. Do we have a deal, or are you an Insurrectionist?

  3. I keep running into Democrats who are sick of him and want him gone. But the signal to can him has yet to come down from the elite mofo’s in charge. And I’ll wager it WON’T involve prosecution when it does.

  4. Oh boy, but I feel a few dozen or indictments coming for…. you know who. Ouch. I did like Jr on the stand claiming, I don’t know nuttin. But can I please take anudder cocaine break.

  5. Commie democrats are leading,
    republicans are sucking hind teat, (as usual),
    As long as the ‘republicans’ roll over and play dead….
    the commie democrats will ALWAYS lead.

    FUCK the republicans…get the Conservatives in control and watch the changes.

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