How Much Is a Rupture of Your Left Testicle Worth? – IOTW Report

How Much Is a Rupture of Your Left Testicle Worth?

A judge awarded a pain and suffering fine to a guy kicked in the left nut by a bouncer at a bar. It was ruptured and took 2 weeks to become pain free.

Take a guess what the amount of the award was.

Now go here and see. (€1 is worth $1.15  as of today.)

Now give us your reaction.

ht/ The Big Owe

14 Comments on How Much Is a Rupture of Your Left Testicle Worth?


    -Prostitution is not legal unless you are filming it.
    -It’s not stalking if you have a camera and microphone.
    -Police can murder if they “fear for their lives” -no one else can.
    -Politicians are exempt from their own laws.
    -You can beat the hell out of someone as long as you work in a bar.

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