How Muslim terrorists train in America’s prisons – IOTW Report

How Muslim terrorists train in America’s prisons

SperoNews: The old adage, “Out of sight, out of mind” does not apply to dealing effectively with the threat of Islamism especially in the case of terrorists who have been captured or incarcerated.
Radical Islamic organizations such as al-Qaida and ISIS never forget their members. To them, going to prison is part of the pathway to paradise. Both groups’ leaders, Ayman al-Zawahri and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, spent considerable periods of time locked up. It did nothing to diminish their zeal, but rather, fueled their fervor. Often, as in their cases, what comes out of prison is worse than what went in.
This is further illustrated by the increased number of terrorists released from Guantanamo who rejoin the fight against U.S. military personnel. Almost one in three released prisoners return to the jihadists’ fold. This recidivism can be attributed in part to the admonitions terrorists receive to assist those who are captured or imprisoned. That support may include financial help for their families and for legal fees.
These instructions were found in a training manual discovered in 2000 by law enforcement officers in Manchester, England.
“I take this opportunity to address our prisoners. We have not forgotten you,” al-Zawahiri said in an interview with Al Shabab commemorating the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. “We are still committed to the debt of your salvation . . . until we shatter your shackles.”
AQAP’s Inspire magazine went so far as to list the names of incarcerated members for all to remember.
They do this because jihadis firmly believe that sooner or later they’ll be reunited with those members.
If that isn’t ominous enough, consider the fact that as many as 100 people convicted of terror-related offenses in U.S. prisons will be set free in less than four years.
And yet, while Islamic terrorist organizations have rapidly changed in their recruitment and tactical methodologies overall, the U.S. has not adapted to countering the evolving threat.

7 Comments on How Muslim terrorists train in America’s prisons

  1. Here is precisely why we NEVER wanted the terrorist trials brought into the homeland. The Democrats did everything they could to get trials in New York. Great. Put them away in a north state prison for 10 years (they get out in five), then you have a full-blown terrorist roaming freely throughout the country – courtesy of the Democrat party.

  2. they are enemy combatants captured out of uniform. As such, the laws of war call for them to be summarily executed.

    To paraphrase General Sheridan, “the only good Filthy Mohammedan savage is a dead Filthy Mohammedan Savage”

    We need to make these Filthy Mohammedan Savages good ASAP.

  3. Nothing new here. Some time ago a Muslim chaplain working for the NYS prison system was arrested for sending money to terrorists in Iraq and a few more have been fired for making anti-American inflammatory statements.

    For many years criminals have been using the prison systems to hone their skills, and I’m not talking about making flower arrangements. Muslims try to convert malcontents and are fairly successful. Years ago we watched in service training films where inmates practiced in exercise yards how to defeat a police pat down and take a cop’s gun. You adjusted your techniques accordingly to keep a potential prisoner off balance. If the State continues to warehouse antisocial people in close proximity to one another of course this is going to happen.

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