How Not to Say “Um” in Chinese – IOTW Report

How Not to Say “Um” in Chinese

Red State

Greg Patton is an expert in communication, interpersonal and leadership effectiveness. He has received numerous teaching awards, been ranked as one of the top teaching faculty at USC and helped USC Marshall achieve numerous #1 worldwide rankings for Communication and Leadership skill development.

That’s all well and good, but the expert recently communicated a problematic sequence of syllables. The Marshall School of Business teacher was presiding over a virtual class when he schooled students on audience engagement.

Speaking about words such as “um,” here’s what Greg proposed:

“If you have a lot of ‘um’ or ‘er’s’ — and this is culturally specific, so based on your native language… … [T]here’s different words that you’ll hear in different countries, but they’re vocal disfluencies [like] saying…”uh” or “er.” … You can put a pause in your ideas.”


15 Comments on How Not to Say “Um” in Chinese

  1. These over-sensitive woke cry-babies are mighty niggardly with their tolerance and understanding. We’d all be better off without them. If they were horses, I’d send them to the knacker.

  2. He’s is a white male, what is he doing showing himself in public anyway? The only utterances white males are allowed to make are those of contrition and penitence, anything else and he deserves what he gets. String him up.

    When my kid went off to college I told him that if he wanted to be successful in life, regardless of any degrees obtained, there were 2 skills he needed to master; to speak well and to write well, learn these skills and the sky is the limit.

  3. We used to joke that the Nippers sucked so bad they put the springs upside down in their windup toys.

    The chinks really do suck. The ball joints (lower control arms — the balls are part of the casting) I just did on my MB C320 are out-of-spec enough that they (the LCAs) impinge upon the base of the struts. Of course the first time you turn the strut takes a sliver off the LCA… no big deal.

    Rainman Ray had a brake booster with the engine side of the booster 180 degrees out of phase… on and on with shitty chink parts…

  4. The term/epitaph ‘Racist’ is hate/speech and those using it deserve to have their asses kicked and legal charges brought against them! It is a hateful filthy, ugly, word and is used to show distain, hatred and malice toward, and to denigrate, a specific category/race/group of people! Those using it should be punished severely!

  5. This moron is NOT a communications expert! “There’s (there is) different words”? He doesn’t even know the difference between singular and plural state of being verbs. As for “ums, ahs, and duhs, you knows”, etc., these have NO place in proper speech. This “expert” wouldn’t last one minute in an effective speaking forum, such as a Toastmaster’s class. He needs to embrace the old but true axiom that “it is far better to remain silent and seem a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt”.

  6. When I visited china 15 years ago I was stunned at the frequency that word was used everywhere. I asked what it meant and my chinese coworker explained. OK, no bid deal. I also learned that a black coworker was being transferred to the factory from the states and bringing his family with him. I imagined the stress that was going to bring to his wife and kids, hearing that all day, every day – waa waa waa…

  7. “The term/epitaph ‘Racist’ is hate/speech and those using it deserve to have their asses kicked and legal charges brought against them!”

    In a society which prides itself on the right of free speech?
    What charges would those be?
    What “epitaph?”

    “Racist” is just another of those words which means “I don’t like you.” It no longer carries any denotation of actual “racism” in any meaningful way.
    Putting people in gas chambers and ovens, starving millions to death because of their ethnic/religious backgrounds or social status, and oppressing millions because of flesh tones or hair color is racist – disliking millions who allow and encourage criminal acts and parasitism is just common sense.

    Our language is as corrupt as our politics.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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