How Obama peddles whoppers about government overreach – IOTW Report

How Obama peddles whoppers about government overreach

WT: If you believe the federal government is too large and powerful, you’re in what our current president calls “the cult of small government.”

That’s what he said in a speech last week in Elkhart, Indiana, in which his aim was “to bust this myth of crazy, liberal government spending.”

“I am not making this stuff up,” insisted Mr. Obama, who has increased America’s national debt by nearly $10 trillion — more than all his predecessors combined. A quick look at the National Debt Clock will scare the pants off anyone not put into a hypnotic trance by the fast-moving figures. MORE

10 Comments on How Obama peddles whoppers about government overreach

  1. The POS spews this, “So their basic story is: America’s working class, America’s middle class — families like yours — have been victimized by a big, bloated federal government run by a bunch of left-wing elitists like me. And the government is taking your hard-earned tax dollars and it’s giving them to freeloaders and welfare cheats. And we’re strangling business with endless regulations. And this federal government is letting immigrants and foreigners steal whatever jobs Obamacare hasn’t killed yet.”

    Wow, did someone have his squirrel nutz in a vice grip? He flat out tells the truth and shrugs it off like it’s a fantasy.

    What in the fuck goes through this man’s mind? I know he’s not stupid nor blinded by his ideology. He can not possibly believe the bullshit. It leaves you with only one unavoidable conclusion. He so hates this country and white, middle class Americans, that he is out to destroy our culture and traditions any way possible.

    He’ll burn it down and be happy about it.

  2. Now people see how fragile our liberties and freedom are and how easily they can be wiped away.

    The POSITWH, with the tacit complicity of a milquetoast Congress, with NO respect for the rule of law, has destroyed this country.

    Can we salvage it? I just don’t know.

  3. Think about how Obama/Jarrett seem to go out of their fucking way to jam their thumb in our eyes. From importing 100s of 1,000s of “syrian refugees” to open borders, to BLS flat out lies, to the IRS, to normalizing relations with Cuba, to the Iran fiasco, to his apology/bowing world wide trip, to lavish vacas going so far as to flying his dog alone to Hawaii and Michelle taking over entire hotels when she travels, huge WH parties, traveling overseas on Memorial Day to dismiss our victory in WWll as evil, dozens of UnConstitutional EOs, pardoning convicted felons…

    I mean I could spend the rest of the day listing one bar lowering event after another. What’s the point? It’s obvious to anyone but the most brain dead sycophants.

    Bet your last donut he’s going to use what time is left to him to make sure we never get the taste of him out of our collective mouths.

  4. I cannot help buy notice he had not trouble listing off the horrors Americans are seeing in his administration, but not one stutter….

    must not be any okey doke in the lists.

  5. Yep, another day, another living proof that I was right. Anyone who hates Barack Obama is a racist, bigoted, inbred black-hatng goon, and YOU ARE a racist, bigoted, inbred black-hating goon.
    It’s because of crap like this I completely believe hatred of Obama comes from racism and bigotry..because it does.
    This is a fine example of what religious freedom means. It means supporting all religions despite their current status of popularity among the masses. Notice he says “us” and our,” admitting that he (and we) are Americans, possessing freedom of religion and civil rights.
    He’s not a Muslim – but it wouldn’t make any difference if he were – the Constitution guarantees there is no religious test to be passed for eligibility to become POTUS.
    Can you please explain decimate the military? Last I checked Obama has spent more than any other president .. ever .. on the military. And we continue to outspend the rest of the world combined. I know it’s fun to say, but get some facts behind your vitriol.
    You also have to commit an impeachable offense in order to be impeached. The Constitution, Article II, Section 4 of the U.S. constitution lists those as “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”
    no damage done, hence no impeachment, You need to quit watching Faux news! He frequently wore a lapel pin. (Not sure when it became a rule that you have to though). And I’m sure you’ve never read the articles of impeachment but they clearly state that a president must commit and actual crime. I’m pretty sure not wearing a lapel pin and saving the worlds economy don’t count as impeachable offenses. other words, He has done NOTHING worth being impeached over.
    “he’s a closet Communist:” Lie! In the 7 +years that Pres. Obama has been in office, there’ve been NO:
    Recognition or praise of Communism
    Attendance at ANY Communist activities
    Advocacy for any Communist legislation
    Alliances with any Communist Countries
    Appointment of any Communists to high positions
    No industries nationalized
    No utilities nationalized
    No praise of the Communist (or Communist) party
    Has attended NO Communist (or Communist) party meetings
    You want him gone because he’s a black man in power. that’s all this is. And of course you want Trump. He, like you, is a racist, a bigot, and a scumbag! the racist right call Obama a Marxist, a socialist, a Communist, a Muslim because they can’t call him a Ni@@er! That’s what they mean! They can’t stand having a black in office. that this the cold hard truth

  6. @questionboy

    You dumbasses ALWAYS play the race card and you’re always wrong. When you can’t find racism you make it up. You’ve overused the race card so much it means nothing. Go ahead and call me racist, I don’t care. When that doesn’t work, you’ll pull out the ___phobic card next. That won’t work either. Your very words prove you’re the racist by lumping all non-POS Americans into a stereotype. You racist.

    If you’re not against the harm Ozero has done you’re either a taker who leeches off hard-working citizens, an illegal who should be deported, or a communist/socialist/democrap who should also be deported for trying to destroy my country. You need to stop watching MSN, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, or any other government propaganda organ. Leftism is a mental disease, you racist.

    If you’re an Obama supporter, you’re to blame for putting him in office to trash my country. If you’re a Bernie supporter, you’re a taker who wants to put a socialist/communist in office to trash my country. If you’re a Hillary supporter you want to put a criminal and traitor into office to trash my country. Wanting to trash my country makes you my enemy, and I don’t give a fuhq what color your skin is. You racist.

  7. @questionboy:

    You’re a real piece of work–anybody ever tell you that?

    The #1 question you should be asking is, “Dude, where’s my brain?”

  8. One more thing QuestionAsswagon:
    Think of that word, potential.
    Eight years ago, a man had the potential to be the greatest president in modern times.
    He had the charisma, power, House, Senate.
    Hell, he had the country behind him.
    He could have EARNED that premature Peace Prize.
    He could have united the country and the world.

    Instead, the country and world are far more fucked than ever.
    Stick that legacy up your ass with the dry lubricant of extreme underachieved expectations.
    If there is still room in your rectum, those Greek columns may fit, you goddamn ignorant tool.

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