How One MTSU Nursing Student’s Legal Battle Against the COVID Vaccine Mandate Might Just Reach the Supreme Court – IOTW Report

How One MTSU Nursing Student’s Legal Battle Against the COVID Vaccine Mandate Might Just Reach the Supreme Court

BeThePeopleNews: Carol Swain interviews Avery Garfield and her lawyer, Russel Newman, about how their legal dispute with the university began after she was forced to withdraw from her clinicals for refusing to get vaccinated. 

6 Comments on How One MTSU Nursing Student’s Legal Battle Against the COVID Vaccine Mandate Might Just Reach the Supreme Court

  1. I’ll like to see what federal law numbers are they are saying are being broken, so it can be quoted when people are confronted with BS MSM claims. The courts need to step up and do their jobs for real Americans instead of a political group that plans to destroy Americans rights as designed by the founders.

  2. I think there will be a lot of civil awards and court judgments in favor of those opposing various ‘mandates’. But it will be a year or more before any come to fruition, at which point the covid and the mandates will be long gone.

  3. LCD: COVID and the mandates will be long gone in a year? I’ll have what you’re smoking.

    Or, if they are gone, another emergency will have come in to take their place.

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