How Pallies Raise Their Children – IOTW Report

How Pallies Raise Their Children

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ht/ Irish

4 Comments on How Pallies Raise Their Children

  1. Again Islam is a virus on mankind and must be eradicated. We must start with vaccinations and banning all muslims from entering into our country.

    They cannot play nice with others in the sandbox and must be expelled from civil society.

    The vaccination by the way is Christianity, Jesus is the only hope of the world.

  2. By the way, what the hell is with this made up race palestinians?

    They’re just dirty arabs, frickin camel jockeys, sand apes

    Go back to Jordan where you came from you stupid losers! get it through you’re heads, you lost!
    Israel won! you’re pathetic and on the wrong side of history, just go away.

  3. WE should be raising OUR children to uphold OUR values.

    At least the Palestinians aren’t telling their sons to go out and suck dicks, use drugs, and murder cops.

    Or telling their daughters to suck dicks and fuck all the rat-people they run across.

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