How Satire is Done – IOTW Report

How Satire is Done

This is beautiful because it’s simply restating Bernie Sanders’ moronic position on Christianity. It sounds  100% plausible that the bent over, hunched shit pickle wrote this.

Babylon Bee-

Let me stress that I am not against Christianity; I am not anti-Christian in any respect. Christianity is the majority religion in America, and I have great respect for the faith and people who engage in it responsibly.

The problem with Mr. Vought is that he practices his Christian faith in an irresponsible manner by believing and espousing that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven, and those who reject the Savior “stand condemned.” This orthodox line of thinking is outrageous. I think we can all agree that it is perfectly OK for public servants to be Christians, as long as they do not believe Christian things.

To posit that Muslims deny Jesus and therefore do not know God—as Trump’s man did—my friends, that is blatant, egregious Islamophobia. If you don’t agree, just try turning the tables. You would never catch a Muslim saying exclusive things such as “Islam is the only way,” “those who reject Allah will be condemned,” or “Christians are infidels!”

The extreme views of Russell Vought cannot be tolerated. If you disagree with me or my worldview, then, in my opinion, you stand condemned.

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13 Comments on How Satire is Done

  1. You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers, and you certainly don’t need a choice of 20 Christian denominations, when children are hungry in this country.

  2. oolook,
    Just think of all the money and space that could be saved if instead of cemetery plots that are 6 feet long by 3 feet wide by 6 feet deep (that’s a LOT of digging), we just auger a hole 3 feet in diameter by 6 feet deep, and drop all the deceased Libtards and socialists in head first. You KNOW they’d agree with it, being the Gaia loving types they are.


  3. You mean… Bernie DIDN’T write that? Could’ve fooled me. Sounds exactly like something he would say, after all, the old communist hasn’t gotten very many donations from Christians, Muslim sympathizing SJWs? That’s a whole ‘nother bank statement. 😉

  4. “I have great respect for the faith and people who engage in it responsibly”

    how about taking responsibility for your fake campaign, your sellout to the clintons and your wife’s real-estate shenanigans ?

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