How Scary is Big Pharma? THIS SCARY – IOTW Report

How Scary is Big Pharma? THIS SCARY

Peer reviewed studies of drug analysis, the benefits and harm, come from the reports released by…. THE DRUG COMPANY!!!!

(Let me know in comments if you guys can see the video linked.)

16 Comments on How Scary is Big Pharma? THIS SCARY

  1. Yep, I can see it,too.
    It increases the hatred I have for pharmaceutical companies, physicians, media, government bodies, corporations, neighbors,former friends and any relatives that are continuing to push this shit.

  2. The immunity they were granted have all been nullified by their behavior, particularly the collusion with government, big tech and the media in denying free and open access to information that victims would rely on to make an INFORMED decision. Even though by far, most of the victims are “victims.” Even the “victims” are in fact volunteers, even they will be able to present claims that will be all but impossible to mount a tenable defense against. Big Pharma OWNS THE LIABILITY ON THIS Charlie Foxtrot.

  3. Why do we have FDA? Obviously they serve no purpose if they aren’t allowed to look at data.

    In the old days you took a drug and the side effects were minor, headaches, diarrhea, nausea, etc. Today side effects are damage to organs, heart attacks, blindness, death, etc. I was watching an ad for a drug for crohn’s disease the other night, all of those side effects plus a long list of others, all worse than the disease itself.
    Seen another for overactive bladder, the same worse side effects than peeing all the time.

  4. In addition to this Rogan interview, his interview with Dr. Robert Malone (link below – start it at the 5:00 mark) talked about the complete lack of moral, ethical, purely profit driven business decisions that drive big Pharma. They DO NOT give a Phuk about you or me. They answer to one class and one class only – their investors – Black Rock, Vanguard and others.

    It’s like the infamous Ford Pinto exploding gas tank liability lawsuit, where Ford was very well aware of their potential liability but ran a cost of recall versus cost of litigation analysis and determined that litigation was cheaper. Consumers’ lives be damned. Big Pharma is Pinto 2.0.
    start at the 5:00 mark

  5. I worked for big pharma for a number of years in their software validation for FDA compliance. I could drive a tractor trailer through the holes in the processes and chain of control of the data. You can write code to spit out any result you need as long as it matched what the auditors expected or what you told them to expect.

  6. @grayjohn January 3, 2022 at 4:12 pm

    > All government agencies now have no purpose except oppression and terror against We The People who they hate with a passion.

    Awww… Now that’s not fair.

    What about the looting? Have they all forgotten how to loot? Surely some of them are still good at looting. Why, I’d bet there are still a few old timers hanging on that are still outstanding looters.

  7. Could this just be another of Hitler’s last revenge jokes taken seriously, or that the whole thing was planned along with the Trump coup? …for their investors?

    When they finally come for the unvaxxed children…Might could get some details from first-hand, final receiving ends of the already dead bodies before this happens. Here, is from only one interview, if this actually is happening:

    But, the investors and Big Pharma come first.

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