How Stupid Are People? – IOTW Report

How Stupid Are People?


HT/ Magnum

11 Comments on How Stupid Are People?

  1. This is just Occupy Wall Street redux.

    I actually met some OSW protesters when they were camped out in Zuccotti Park a few years ago. They didn’t have a clue about how the world of finance worked, they just knew that all the participants in it were greedy and evil.

    They were shocked, absolutely SHOCKED, when Auntie Yonkers explained to them that the Apple devices they held in their hands existed in part because of corporate finance. They had never heard of Morgan Stanley & Co. or Hambrecht and Quist (both since folded into the modern-day successor entity of JPMorgan Chase), the companies that handled Apple’s 1980 IPO.

    They didn’t know what an IPO was, nor could they understand how this particular one created 300 millionaires in 6-1/2 hours. They couldn’t define the terms “publicly held,” “stock split,” “dividend,” or “profit.”

    But they kept emphasizing the evilness and greed of the “1%.” Oh, yeah? I asked them. What are you doing with your life that is so pure and meaningful? You’re camping out in an unsuitable urban space, shitting in the gutter, keeping people awake at night with your goddamned drum circles, making yourself vulnerable to arrest, and generally being a pain in the ass.

    TRUMP 2016.

  2. In the military, I was taught that incomplete pieces of information can be leveraged to gain access to much, much more.

    Although the information gathered seems general in nature, it can still be used like pieces in a puzzle to gain access to much, much more.

  3. This is why aggressive panhandling works.
    A substantial percentage of our population is comprised of spineless wimps whose life goal is to avoid confrontation.
    I understand the psychology behind the initial responses given as he is larger than those he interviews, speaks authoritatively, and has the prop. (clipboard)
    However, natural impulses need to be controlled, or you will be.

  4. Hopefully it means there are shitloads of idiots to clog up the system long enough to get away.

    It’s almost like a gazelle stopping because the lion said “stop and let me eat you.”

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