How Stupid Is Portland Antifa? This Stupid – IOTW Report

How Stupid Is Portland Antifa? This Stupid

PJ Media

Gunfire erupted when violent Antifa militants appear to have picked a fight with a notorious Portland, Ore. area biker gang.

Antifa lost.

At least one person ended up dead and five others were injured in Portland Saturday night. More

40 Comments on How Stupid Is Portland Antifa? This Stupid

  1. I heard of the Gypsy Jokers back in High School (graduated in 71) in Maryland.
    Rapists, murderers, drug dealers, generally bad people in need of killing.
    Not that the Stalinist ANTIFA is any better.
    Be nice if they’d all kill each other.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I grew up in Lakewood WA, which was a home of a lot of Gypsy Jokers. They are best not fucked with. They are well entrenched between I-5 and Tri-Cities and between Salem and Centralia these days.

  3. Many years ago, our family was camping on the Oregon coast when a few of the Gypsy Jokers started moving in to the campsite next to us, and talking about the party they were going to have that night. At dusk, every cop witching 100 miles (local PD, Sheriff’s office, state cops) all showed up and escorted the bikers out of the area.

  4. BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!!…




    Die patroulie oiled scum… Die.

  5. … and whassup the violent bullying soyboys and fat, filthy and disgusting, green, purple and blue haired, tattooed and pierced, uglier than a mud fence ANTIFETTES claiming the police failed to show up to protect their sorry asses?

  6. the 1% biker clubs – If you leave them alone, they leave you alone. If you mess with them, they will f you up. If you aren’t familiar with these clubs, go ahead and research the 1%.

    I have met some of them at parties thrown by mutual friends. I have even ridden with some of them for some events (Toys for Tots deliveries at Christmas, Thunder in the Rockies, etc.)

    Nice guys until you do something stupid. However, that doesn’t mean you are safe, especially if you happen to be around when a couple of the competing clubs happen to get together. If that happens, RUN!

  7. As a youth I hung around with a Joker prospect club for a while. Learned forevermore I am not that guy. Antifa only thinks they’re tough because government condones their behavior and not only doesn’t punish, but helps ensure no one interferes with their bullshit. Jokers probably don’t recognize that antifa are special, I’m guessing.

  8. Every time these tough guys have gone up against Proud Boys they have gotten their asses stomped. The only thing that saved them was the police coming to their rescue. So for their next trick they go into the home turf of the Gypsy Jokers. WTF did they think was going to happen.

    When I was young I used to hang out at Frank’s Landing. There was a large Gypsy Joker presence and everyone knew not to fuck with them. There were actually a lot of genuine bad asses on The Rez and the police didn’t go down to the river. It was the law of the west down there back in the 1970s and 1980s and you could get your ticket punched by starting shit and as for police…. Pfft. They don’t come down here.

  9. A) Antifa attacks bikers, bikers attack antifa, antifa calls the cops.
    B) Cops show up, haul away injured antifa.
    C) Cops have a presser about stupid antifa that’s interrupted by antifa because they don’t like cops.
    Ca) In particular, a winded, fat, privileged, white antifa 3rd wave feminist claiming white supremacy injustice against… her?

    frickin twilight zone.

  10. GO ahead, Portland, defund the po-po.
    Now that the citizenry are aware of the GJs, I’m sure that they (GJs) will be privately hired to do the job the po-po can’t/won’t do.
    Normally I’d say, “God bless the PantyFags”, but not at this time.

  11. Antifa bimbo: “they are sanctioning this violence against us. We are dying. We are trying to peacefully protest and they are killing us. And I want to know if any of you care.”

    No, not even a little bit. (forgive me Lord)

  12. Attention Gypsy Jokers: Antifa leaders are Hailley Nolan and Dustin Ferreira. They lead an organization that says the police are the worst people ever and the police do terrible things to people, then they called the police on YOU and are saying that YOU need to have the police deal with YOU.

    They are trying to do the worst thing they can imagine to YOU.

    Also, you know how Antifa likes to spit? I bet they got some spit on your colors.

    On purpose.

  13. Lucky the death toll was so low.

    I’m on the biker side this time.

    And I’d like to know how long the cop was stuck there or did he just slowly creep forward and leave.
    If I was that Cop, I’d arrest 1 or 2 on the spot and haul them right to jail for Interfering with Police Performing Official Duty.

    Who knows, in the Old days, some Truckers might even have helped him…

  14. Obese anqueefa bitch: they kidnapped me last summer and tried to kill me! Where were all the cops on the night of August 22nd? What are y’all gonna do about that? I wanna know what Mayor Ted Wheeler is gonna do about this?

    Cop: thought you wanted to abolish us? Besides, if they can cart off your fa tass, I’d say they had one helluva pig roast.

  15. Etiquette rules for the road.

    1. don’t say ‘biker’. He’s a club member or a club rider.
    2. don’t say ‘gang’, ever. It’s a club.
    3. take off your sunglasses when meeting a club member.
    4. remove your riding glove before shaking hands.
    5. do not attempt to pass a club on the road.
    6. don’t use a ‘road name’ your real name works fine
    7. be polite, go about your business

    Bonus tip: don’t trash talk bikes. A bike is a bike.
    Survival tip: stay away from club members like me. I’m only talking to you to catch you in a lie.

  16. Chuckie….it’s meetings with the Confederation, paperwork and keeping up with dues and requirements nowadays.

    We’re all 501.C’s or something.

    In olden days clubs used to whoop and holler and carry on…. now it’s much more serious and business orientated.

    Just with neck tattoos instead of neck ties.

  17. Grumpy FEBRUARY 21, 2022 AT 1:08 PM

    Is there a means where I can send the GJ a thank you card, a few cases of beer and a few bucks to pay for the ammo they used?

    Sure. Just don’t use GoFundMe. Your money won’t make to such a good cause.


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