How Stupid is That 5th Republican? – IOTW Report

How Stupid is That 5th Republican?

Four Out of Five Republicans Think Trump Probes Are ‘Witch Hunt’


Four out of five Republicans consider the myriad investigations into Donald Trump as “a witch hunt,” a phrase the former president routinely deploys to undermine the cases, according to a new poll.

In a national Marist poll released Monday, 80% of self-identified Republicans said the investigations into hush money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, his attempts to persuade Georgia officials to overturn his loss there in 2020 and his handling of classified documents were a “witch hunt.” Only 18% of Republicans said they were fair.

Trump’s legal woes do not seem to be hurting his chances in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, where he remains the frontrunner in nearly every recent poll, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has not formally launched a campaign.


13 Comments on How Stupid is That 5th Republican?

  1. I think a distinction needs to be made, and this might shed light on the thinking of that 5th guy.

    There is a difference between baseless allegations, actions that did not occur in any iteration, and actions that could be construed as dubious and unethical when applied through the lens of TDS. The Fulton County Grand Jury seated right now investigating Trump for election interference is a case in point. Calling Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and telling him to , “Find 11,780 more votes”, could on its face be interpreted as an order to create or manufacture made-up votes to swing the election. No, I don’t think that was Trump’s intent. I believe Trump felt that there existed legitimate ballots lying around that were uncounted and the order was to find them.

    Whether an inquiry into this is a witch hunt or not can certainly be debated.

  2. Rich, you are that 5th Republican. While the other four of us are reading the daily headlines with are butt cheeks clinched thinking holy shit, the only way out of this mess is Donald Trump, you fail to realize that the deep state has thrown everything at him but the kitchen sink and he’s still standing. Look how much destruction this coup has done to our country in two years. Look how good thing were pre pandemic. And Ronda is no DJT.
    That phone call with Raffensperger was recorded. It’s been analyzed by the like of Alan Dershowitz. Another nothing burger.

  3. “Rich, you are that 5th Republican”

    If by that you mean that I am not into hero worship, not governed by my emotions, not held hostage by cult of personality, and not standing in line to fellate DJT, then, yep, count me in.

    Yes, he is still standing, for now, but he has only faced one, twenty-three more are coming. Are they all witch hunts? Maybe, but we will have to see.

    And no, he is NOT the only way, sorry, he is one way.

    I’ve said this before but understand that not everybody reads every comment. If I could press a button to put Trump in the WH in 2024 I would do it without an ounce of hesitation and we would all be the better for it. But I can’t. We have to convince a sizeable portion of the other 330 million folks that he is the proper choice, and you do that by dint of argument and persuasion.

    And we certainly are not going to get there with the likes of you and your limited (lazy) binary thinking,”If you criticize my guy then you must be for the other guy. If you say anything bad about my guy, that means you hate my guy”. So nauseatingly tiring.

  4. You beat your chest and pop your jersey with grand pronouncements of , “We don’t need you, we can do it on our own”, sorry Sparky but you most certainly do need me, and the other millions like me that are not swayed by their emotions.

    Otherwise, you are going to be on the outside looking in for a very very long time.

  5. “If by that you mean that I am not into hero worship, not governed by my emotions, not held hostage by cult of personality, and not standing in line to fellate DJT, then, yep, count me in.”

    My decisions are based on historical results. No politician is perfect. But way to sink to third grade level.

    “Yes, he is still standing, for now, but he has only faced one, twenty-three more are coming. Are they all witch hunts? Maybe, but we will have to see.”

    This is a good example of your 2 dimensional thinking. Does Russia, Russia, Russia, ring a bell. Same people, same goal.

    “And we certainly are not going to get there with the likes of you and your limited (lazy) binary thinking,”If you criticize my guy then you must be for the other guy. If you say anything bad about my guy, that means you hate my guy”. So nauseatingly tiring.”

    If I say so myself, I’m a pretty Dynamic thinker. They’re might be other option that appear in the future. The opposition may get lucky and fabricate something that will keep Trump from being able to run. But Ron DeSantis is owned by the deep state. Period end of story.

  6. “Same people, same goal”

    So all those women accusing him of sexual assault were all behind Russia, Russia, Russia? [giggle]

    Whether he is still standing in the nd, we sha ll see, but unlike you, I am unwilling to dismiss them all as a witch hunt, I want to see what they have, and what evidence they offer, and will make a logical informed (not emotional like you) decision.

    “If I say so myself, I’m a pretty Dynamic thinker.”

    Of course, you do, the Dunning-Kruger Effect, your actions speak otherwise. But delusion is not only comforting but safe, enjoy.

  7. Guy walks into a store and says “hey, can you fix my laptop?” Guy leaves, never picks up his laptop, and lo and behold there is information which appears to tie the President of the United States to financial dealings with foreign actors for personal gain and probably using the power of his office to do so. Ah, that’s really a nothing burger says the DOJ and our lapdog media outlets – we need to find out if Trump paid hush money to a stripper.

    Russian collusion, Ukraine collusion, money paid to a stripper, the J- 6 committee, Steele dossier – all investigated by government officials or government agencies, and nothing found. Hunter’s laptop, Biden threatening to withhold aid to the Ukraine unless his son’s prosecutor is fired, a fifty year career of corruption – nothing but disinterest at best, and more likely a cover-up.

    So yeah, I’m beginning to think the Democrats are on a Trump witchhunt.

  8. “You beat your chest and pop your jersey with grand pronouncements of , “We don’t need you, we can do it on our own”, sorry Sparky but you most certainly do need me, and the other millions like me that are not swayed by their emotions.”

    If you looked up Stoic in your funk and wagnel you would find my picture.
    The odds of Conservatives winning back our Government in 2024 are slim and none. Cheat harder is NOT a plan. All things considered, I’d rather lose with out you than win with you.
    Peace out. I’ve gotta go make some long range bomber parts.


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