How Stupid is the Left? – IOTW Report

How Stupid is the Left?

This stupid—>

Hitler’s wall??? In Berlin???

Tell me they are kidding, please.

ht/ doc

33 Comments on How Stupid is the Left?

  1. Trump is nothing like Obama-Hitler, or Hitlery, or even Bush-Hilter for that matter.

    If the mind exploding lefties are looking for shock value then they are going to have to do better than this juvenile attempt at juxtaposition, they have to join their ISIS brothers and start blowing shit up.

    Then we will at least know then for who they really are.

  2. Makes perfect sense,
    Can’t wait until the reincarnation rumors start, because obviously Trump is Hitler reincarnated so he can get his Nazi oppression of the LGBTQ community back in gear

  3. There is a wall on the South border already. Just drive on I-10 I-8 and you’ll see it. May not be as big and as beautiful as Pres Trump wants to, but it is there. It’s the laws that need to be enforced.

  4. If you’re going to have Trump doing a Nazi salute, shouldn’t you have Hitler doing it,too? It’s not like that’s a hard pose to find.

    As Sarah Silverman once asked, “Do neo nazis not have google?”

  5. Hitler was a socialist.
    Trump is NOT a socialist.
    Outside of the fact that you can put the word “socialist” into each sentence, the similarities stop there.

    The kkklowns who come up with this stupid shit have NO historical perspective and NO historical context – they possess only catch-words and phrases which excite them and their minions. Once excited, they resemble a gaggle of geese, running in circles with their wings over their heads screaming incoherently.
    That they will coalesce into an ordered mob of thuggery, perhaps even wearing similar brown shirts, is a given. Their defeat at the polls will steel them to the “necessity” of violence in order to subjugate the “ignorant” masses.
    Look for their “protests” to take a more structured form, as is happening at the “town halls” across the country. More professionally printed signs, more strikingly similar phrases, more violence prone, and quicker to accuse others’ of their behavior – all while cowering behind the 1st Amendment.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. We’ll, if the DemonRat left ever takes control of the country you can bet they will soon turn the southern border wall into a Berlin Wall to keep people in who want the hell out.

  7. Stupid American socialists.

    The Berlin Wall was to keep Germans IN the Socialist Utopia of East Germany (The German Democratic Republic). The socialists have always had a problem with hemorrhaging useful thoughtful people – while the dullards, morons, and other assorted “protesters” (who contribute NOTHING to society or to civilization) and parasites are content with the socialist state.
    America, on the other hand, has to figure a way to keep the useless, parasitic, succubi (succubuses?) out of the country (or, at the minimum, off the public teat), lest we disintegrate into anarchy, chaos, and penury.
    The choice is clear to those who have eyes to see.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Occupy Democrats put out the most ridiculous memes on a regular basis. I see their crap all over social media and the libs post and repost it as if it is the gospel.

    Just waiting for CNN to host a panel and discuss its merits.

  9. Fur, I think the push back on this meme is a triptic of this meme w/Ellison added since he is now the DNC’s Deputy Party Chair serving alongside the guy they elected. It should point out that Trump is the one who doesn’t practice antisemitism. It would reveal the crazy.

  10. I’m not so sure it’s a false flag. These are the same people that have caused Tucker Carlson to have his face frozen in that “WTF are you actually that fucking stupid?” look he gets when he interviews one of those liberal twatwaffles on his show.

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