How the communists use black people to gain political power – IOTW Report

How the communists use black people to gain political power

A must see video that was as powerful in exposing the left’s agenda then as it is now.

ht/ shang

21 Comments on How the communists use black people to gain political power

  1. Short answer:

    Because a critical mass of black people are sociopathic fucking morons who tend to be more willing to engage in the most cowardly and disgraceful violence imaginable, oft times just for the pure fun of it.

  2. The dirty little secret is many black Americans have mental health issues – never diagnosed. Not an excuse, just an observation of how easily black people self destruct, have the highest participation in crimminal behaviors and surrender their autonomy to socialist/communist overlords.

  3. The communists identify and exploit the marginalized groups – whether real or perceived – to use them as pawns in their pursuit of their agenda. In our case, blacks being the most effective group to accomplish that goal.

  4. @99th Squad Leader – Throughout history, the black race as a whole (there are always exceptions) has shown itself to be very violent and very volatile. Much of it comes from the very strong historical tribalism culture – same with middle east moslems, and other less-than-civilized societies. My opinion comes from a combination of first hand experience and common sense based on multiple observations. These traits also make them very easily manipulated.

  5. Oh gee, we are “F’d”. If this man knew it was coming 50’s years ago and the American people did NOTHING to stop it because they didn’t know it was happening but this guy did!! We see it for our own eyes with the schools and how they have taken over the mind of our future.

    Say your prayers everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  6. I figured out how that game was being played quite some time ago. The video clip is something I forward on to others from time to time. The man talking is G Edward Griffin

  7. stirrin the pot, great assessment. You’ve highlighted definite factors. Yet, every people group have those societal tribal characteristics.

    What may distinguish black people, (African nations in particular), is a strict psychological adherence to an inflexible collective mindset. Prohibiting an objective perspective needed to advance to higher societal development – unless influenced by a more advanced society.

    For example, in America, black people did very well and were not overwhelmingly destructive before 1950s. By the numbers, the majority of crime committed were by whites.

    President Johnson and his social engineering elites made sure most black nuclear, intact families were destroyed starting in the 1960s. Fragmenting the structure that protected black Americans from outside negative forces.
    The Marxist are just trying to finish the job of nuking liberal black Americans unfortunately, with their permission.

    Why black people are more susceptible to manipulation and destructive behavior more than other people groups probably will never be discovered. Societies, from primitive to advanced may be by God’s design…only He knows.

    BTW, in America we have the most comprehensive, morally superior laws in the world to protect us as a society. Somehow, we must find the courage and strengh to implement those laws and keep our enemies from within and surrounding powerless.

  8. If it is true that blacks are more susceptible to mental illness and more freely exhibit various depravities, could it be due to what Johnson engineered instead of it being biologically innate to blacks? Iniquity became concentrated in its expression in a morally destroyed people, and it’s taken several decades to show itself?

  9. Oh, FFS!
    The communists took over China without negroes.
    The communists took over Russia without negroes.
    Albania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Poland, East Germany, Sweden, Belorussia, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, &c., &c., &c.

    Italians and Greeks are also volatile and slaves to their passions – as are slavs, Highlanders, denizens of the Balkans, Irish, “hispanics,” Turks and other assorted ragheads.

    Everybody wants free shit. EVERY-fukkin-BODY!
    Some of us learn that nothing’s free, but that doesn’t stop us from buying a Lottery ticket or picking up a nickel we find on the sidewalk. If the communists weren’t using the negroes for their nefarious ends they’d be using some other group they could convince were “victims” of benign neglect.

    The “negro” thing has been in play since the War Between the States and all parties have worked to exploit the other parties’ weaknesses using the negroes (seemingly willingly) as their foils.

    We’ll probably all be wearing chains before we awake to our collective danger.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Agreed, grool. Your summation makes a great point. There definitely is a correlation between communism and mental illness. I think there is a IOTWr post about it.

    Evil, destructuve and poisonous communist doctrine has corrupted in particular, Democrat controlled urban dwelling liberal black people and as a result, they have become extremely mentally unstable.

    Actually, all Americans have been affected by the deterioration of our society because of communist policies – Feminism, Civil Rights Movement, BLM, promotion of homosexuality, Marxism in our educational systems, increased criminal behavior, rampant drug use, abortion, etc…the list is long.

    It really is up to black Americans to face up to the fact they are being intentionally targeted by communism. Also, they need to recognize the tendency to self destruct. A huge task black people as a group may never be able to accomplish.

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