How the FBI Shielded the Bidens – IOTW Report

How the FBI Shielded the Bidens

The Federalist

The Pittsburgh-based U.S. attorney charged with screening evidence of Ukrainian corruption before the 2020 election testified before the House Judiciary Committee on Monday about the bureaucratic obstruction his team faced. The roadblocks detailed by former U.S. Attorney Scott Brady over the course of the six-hour hearing were so outrageous that at one point a lawyer for the minority party asked whether he was speaking in hyperbole. He wasn’t. More

8 Comments on How the FBI Shielded the Bidens

  1. so since supposedly we are all equal in the eyes of the law that means the FBI will be shielding us when we commit crimes, no? if not, then the U.S. government can go fuck itself!

  2. The FIB is worse than a ‘cover-up’ arm of the government. It’s literally become an arm of oppression. Hopefully Mike Johnson will start the impeachment proceedings. (What a turd McCarthy looks like in comparison.) Kudos to Matt Gaetz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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