How the Lawfare Game is Rigged From the Inside – IOTW Report

12 Comments on How the Lawfare Game is Rigged From the Inside


    Man I voter for 9 times said the first (to my knowledge) time of thousands; as a Dem, upon president, 1947, ” … THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM~!”! UNIPATY is Big Government in spade!

    Ronny’s right 77 years ago! Were he alive WOULD STILL BE RIGHT!

  2. The three blind mice judges were intimidated by Jack Smith. They know he has the full force of the deep state behind him. So do the other four judges who feign indignation at Jack Smith’s subterfuge. Nobody wants to be on the receiving end of Lisa Monaco’s—I mean Merrick Garlick’s—wrath at being crossed.

    And speaking of Jack Smith…What happened to that exposure of Jack Smith’s extortion of foreign government officials? That bombshell kraken must be innthe same dumpster as the Epstein island list. Soon to joined by the Fani Willis scandal.

  3. I’m certainly not an expert at anything to do with judicial procedure. But I know a thing or two about competition. Both physical and business oriented. It seems to me Trumps enemies are way over playing their hands. They are playing way over their heads. And mean while Trump sits back throwing the occasional insult, adding fuel to the fire. If you pay attention, Trump is teaching a masters course in how to destroy your enemy. Even more accurate it’s a masters course in how to get your enemy to destroy themselves. Every law suite now has issues. And, they’re all self inflicted. The dude walks the line with these idiot judges. The amazing thing about guys like Trump is they don’t do shit with out a reason. This is fun to read. Got them all riled up.

  4. Our government is at war with us. And foreign lunatics like Klaus Schwab are targeting us. (Schwab should be considered a terrorist and killed.) We have one more chance in 2024. If we “lose”, it’s over, except if we secede.


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