How The Left Is Coping With PP Videos – IOTW Report

How The Left Is Coping With PP Videos

Democrats of all stripes are trying their hardest ignore the undercover videos on Planned Parenthood being released by the Center for Medical Progress.

 The Three Monkeys

 Social media trends over the last few weeks demonstrate how uninterested lefties are in the ghoulish behavior of one of their most beloved institutions.


 We should be reminding them of the PP horror show at every opportunity. 


the more they are allowed to look away from the evil, the harder it is to get them to  do what is right. 


8 Comments on How The Left Is Coping With PP Videos

  1. It takes a special sort of ghoulish freak to dismiss or defend the sale of murdered babies. Some of the “tissue” (leftists won’t call them babies) comes from later term abortions.
    Here’s a recent anecdote that the murderous miscreants refuse to believe (and I’ve been called a liar for telling this story). A lady I know in her mid-twenties was shocked to learn that she was pregnant. She didn’t know until she was 22 weeks along. She had been told by her doctors that she was unable to have children because of a medical issue (the details of which I don’t know and which are none of my business). Her pregnancy was not going well, and she wound up in the hospital for two weeks before giving birth to a baby boy at 25 weeks and 1 day. I think she said he weighed one pound, nine ounces. Her little boy would now be a month and a half old if he was born at nine months, and other than still requiring oxygen, he’s doing well.
    The leftists say I’m lying about the 25 weeks and 1 day part of the story, even though the young lady knows exactly when she became pregnant, because her (then boyfriend) husband left to work out of state and was only back for a weekend. Yeah, he did the right thing and stepped up to be a husband and a dad. This young couple is thrilled to be parents, especially the young lady who had resigned herself to never being able to have her own children.
    What the leftists call “tissue” and swear up and down isn’t a viable person in fact is a person, and rather than acknowledge it, they make excuses and call me names. These sick reprobates are cut from the same cloth as the Germans who ratted out their Jewish neighbors to the Nazis. Show me someone who supports Planned Parenthood, and I’ll see someone who protects heartless monsters who prey on the most helpless and vulnerable people of them all: a baby in the mother’s womb. It doesn’t get any lower than that.

  2. The DemoRATS are totally confused and bewildered! PP is doing exactly what they funded it to do and yet they are on the defensive. How can they do something they are so sure is right and still have it deemed to be wrong! Panic time! Their ability to blatantly lie, total media support and blind acquiescence by 47% of the population is not working this time and they are under fire!

  3. Godwin be damned.
    Tell them they’re HOLOCAUST DENIERS!

    After all their “climate deniers” crap, it may take awhile for it to sink in, but KEEP HAMMERING IN THE HISTORICAL FACT AND ITS DENIAL.

    THAT’S EXACTLY what they’re doing here.

  4. What’s going to explode this whole thing is when someone finally produces concrete statistics that show how many minority babies make up the more than 55 Million abortions performed since Roe v Wade.

    We’re talking genocide, infanticide, and racial cleansing on a scale not even the Nazis could match.

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