How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech – IOTW Report

How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech

This is no joke. The left is the enemy to freedom. They must be eradicated.

10 Comments on How the Left Is Silencing Free Speech

  1. This won’t stop until committed communists start disappearing and never seen again. Then, they’ll learn to back the fuck off. Because they’re all basically fucking cowards. That’s why they can’t even stand the sound of an opposing point of view.

  2. The Left is using the power of the FCC and the FEC to censor and control the Internet, the erstwhile frontier of Free Speech. (Look up erstwhile, if you’re puzzled)

  3. Gee Wally, even the Urban Dictionary has “Erstwhile” in it, so now even the unemployed, uninformed, barely aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, Food-Stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, government-dependent, entitlement rich, busted-azz, free-loading, short attention span, LoFo MoFo’s can look it up on their Obamaphones!

  4. The Federal Agencies are the progressive, partisan enforcers of the obama administration.

    The agencies are lawless and possess free reign to establish unabated policies and regulations that stifle free speech, free trade, free thought and justice.

    If you choose to ignore their heavy handed rule, they have their own armed agency enforcers to kill or enslave you and the power of federal judges appointed by like mined progressives to defend their anti-liberty and justice actions.

    Welcome to 1984.
    “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
    ― George Orwell

  5. If you’ve read the comments section on the NPR program On Point when Strassel was interviewed you will find that the left’s constituents have no problem with these tactics and actually encourage their leaders to use them against their opponents.

    There’s an arrogance there that if the same tactics were used on them then the abuser of free speech would be punished.

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