How the left viewed you when you went without a mask – IOTW Report

How the left viewed you when you went without a mask

All’s well now. Yesterday you were a threat, dangerous, selfish, stupid, a “denier.”


Well, someone from a position of authority, who has made an arbitrary decision based on little science and a lot of politics, has relieved you of your scarlet letter.

As Dave Rubin has said,

ht/ woody

Wait’ll she finds out you can’t tell the vaccinated from the unvaccinated out there!

She will end up hating everyone again.

25 Comments on How the left viewed you when you went without a mask

  1. I’ve seen homeless guys here in Vegas wearing masks.
    Yesterday I went to the grocery store and was the only person not wearing a mask. Nobody said nothing.
    I’m going to an outdoor shopping center later today and I expect most of the sheep will still be wearing masks.
    This shit is far from over.

  2. It is a truthful statement that I have been vaccinated. Not for the Wuhan bat soup Red Chinese Death.

    For polio, small pox, tetanus as a young child. Tetanus later again.

    HIPAA rules allow to keep my medical history private.

  3. I am a bit amazed at the 24-hour turnaround, not just in CDC, White House, and California policy (CA isn’t until June though), but in comments I have seen on Facebook and Twitter.
    I have been saying for a couple of months now that I will wait until June – by which time nobody will care. That seems more correct every day.

  4. I think this is more fake news, everything around Fraudulent Joe Blow is turning to shit, and the world is on fire, it’s all being done on purpose.

    I guess they had to throw a tidbit to satisfy the people, so the dumbasses wouldn’t get the wake-up call on how they’ve been snookered.

    I go into store’s with no mask and everyone is still wearing the 😷 muzzles, my gosh, I am in the Twilight Zone.

  5. “Wait’ll she finds out you can’t tell the vaccinated from the unvaccinated out there!”

    I’ve seen videos and read on the internet that magnets will stick to vaccinated people.

  6. I’ve been to multiple places without a mask. I am the only one who is not in a mask. I consider myself the true hero by being at the forefront of getting life back to normal!

    Be a hero, expose your lips! LOL!

  7. Better than telling the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, you can tell Biden supporters from free-thinking Americans because the Biden supporters are the ones wearing masks in their cars by themselves, wearing masks outdoors either by themselves or with people they live with. I find it helpful in identifying the morons.

  8. This is what that ‘intellectual’ twit thinks is a ‘big change’? What a stupid reaction.

    She acts like her license to kill people who think for themselves has been revoked.

    What a colossal piece of 💩

  9. I’m going to the store and slowly peeling my mask off with old time strip-tease music playing on my phone in the background.
    Call it “Face Mask Porn”.

  10. I have an office near a grocery store. I go there every day. I have not worn a mask since this started. For months I am the only one in the store without a mask. Today…still the only one. The folks that spent money on masks that match their outfits, well they are not going to give up that accessory any time soon.

  11. It isn’t a vaccine!!! We need to remind people of that. It hasn’t been approved by the FDA.

    When I am asked if I’m vaccinated, I answer truthfully, yes. Throughout 77 years, most spent as a military dependent child and wife, I’ve been vaccinated many, many times.

    When a vaccine is provided and offered, for the commie faucci flu, I’ll decide if I want it.

  12. There is hope, was in the communist utopia of Columbia Mo today, restaurant was max capacity, 60% no face diaper. Saw one nervous Nelly eating outside with mask on so some idiots are just never going to get it, but many are.

    I saw a twenty something stop at the entrance and take his mask off, then chicken out and put it back on, baby steps my little Marxist minions, baby steps.

  13. Wish I could say I was a hero…..but way over half of us out here, even at the height of the dempanic, never wore masks.

    I wore my big chicken head just for laughs. Never heard or saw a Karen. The main people wearing masks were Mesikins and Injuns.

  14. Am visiting my daughter in Glendale CA a subset of la. Went into a small grocery store to get beer and they ran me and my wife out of there pretty quickly because we didn’t have a mask

  15. Susan Rice’s economy is about to hit the skids. This isn’t now and never was about a mask keeping anyone safe or even “safer.” The science NEVER supported mask wearing. NEVER. In fact there are many more health reasons to NOT wear a mask.

    Just think of all those billions of gallons of hand sanitizer that got sold, hoarded and used and then come to find out China ‘Flu doesn’t live on, and can’t be transmitted, from the surfaces we touch. I have to laugh at those who got into bidding wars on Amazon for want of more hand sanitizer.

    Living in ignorant fear is no way to live at all. I’m always thinking about the guy with the Mercedes in the film “The Four Seasons”; a hypochondiac who’s “afraid of the elastic in his own underwear.”

    It’s the economy and the Left’s fear of it completely tanking. They KNOW that more than half of this country’s voters stand behind President Trump and we’re just not in the mood right now or for the forseeable future. We’ve already seen that movie where the Democrats take an axe to our retirement savings and cause our real estate prices to plummet. Not doing it again in the span of less than 15 years.

  16. When I enter an establishment and am told a mask is required I either leave or return to my car and fetch the only mask I’ve ever worn. It is a large piece of aluminum foil folded like a bandana with a sign taped to the front that says NOT JUST FOR HATS ANYMORE. When I return I either get dirty looks from the brain dead, or my picture taken by the likeminded.


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