How The Left Will Fight In 2020 – IOTW Report

How The Left Will Fight In 2020


The next time the Democrats run a presidential candidate they won’t base their strategy on how Trump won the election.  They’ll use the Bernie techniques that almost earned him the nomination.

Two of Bernie’s key organizing strategist Zack Exley and Becky Bond have written a book that lays out a set of guidelines for those wanting to know how they managed to build the Sander’s campaign from a Socialist also-ran to a serious threat to the republic.

Watch them share their wisdom Here

(go to the 16:00 mark for an overview of their approach to top down message dissemination).


25 Comments on How The Left Will Fight In 2020

  1. Saunders could have won the nomination. So what? In the actual election he would have been destroyed. The two dweebs in the photo won’t be able to get past the socialist background of whatever candidate wins the nomination, and they will have to have socialist leanings to get enough of the party to win the nom. This is especially true if Trump and the GOP manage to punt ObamaCare and replace it with something that allows some type of coverage for those that are willing to work for it, deport millions of illegals that are draining the healthcare forcing everyone else to pay for their coverage and putting in some sort of tort reform to drastically reduce medical malpractice insurance. Oh, and allowing cross state line sales of health insurance. Do this and a few other things and you’ll having Bernie voters lining up to vote for Trump because Trumps success in Healthcare will force the Dems to lean so far left they’ll fall over.

  2. Come on….
    There were only four candidates: Hitlery, Sanders, O’Malley and Webb.
    The only one that was even slightly honorable was Webb, and he got out fast when he saw what he was up against.
    O’Malley was a fool who thought f-ing up Maryland was gonna get him the presidency.
    Sanders had nothing, except he wasn’t Hitlery.
    They were all put up there to make it look like there was a contest against Hitlery, just like the GOP candidates and Jeb. But then came Trump….

  3. 2020 ….. Which geezer with brand new ideas will they run?
    Joseph Biden is 74
    Elizabeth Warren is 67
    Bernie Sanders is 75
    Chuck Schumer is 66
    Nancy Pelosi is 76
    Hillary Clinton is 69

    By the way Donald is 70 and after his reelection I figure most of the donkeys named above will be glue ….

  4. The Bernie Approach … just like all demonRats since FDR … promise free shit, more free shit & more free shit … rinse & repeat

    … oh, & promise even more free shit

  5. If you all wanna fight the Left, you’d better start with the complicit, knee-pad, biased media first and there is no better time to do it than right now. Now, when the awful stink of the last eight years of covering up for Revrum Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, Marxist Muzlim Mallard (disguised as a Black man) and his big giant mess both domestic and abroad has made it crystal clear for the entire world to see the MSM’s complete and total lack of credibility. Beat that donkey to death and you’ll pull the teeth of the Left!

  6. The best way to fight the left is what Trump is already doing. Divide and conquer. He’s got labor unions, black church leaders and for Christ’s sake Piers Morgan on his side. The MSM has shown itself to be partisan to the core and is rightfully not trusted by most citizens.

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