How the left-wing is created – IOTW Report

How the left-wing is created

This article from a site called She Knows explains a lot about how leftists are created in this world.

SHE KNOWS – User Javabeansaintgeorge admitted: “I wipe all my kids, oldest is 12 and is c**p at the best of times. It would be cruelty leaving him dirty when he has an upset stomach.”——

This ramped the debate up another notch, that’s for sure. Is 12 too old to get your butt wiped by your mom? If not, at what age should it stop?
We can debate all we want, but we know, deep down, the only answer: there is no answer.
Don’t stress if you’re still wiping your child’s bottom when they’re 6, 8, 10 or 12.

20 Comments on How the left-wing is created

  1. Right up there with the bush pigs breast feeding until their kids are 6. Not surprising they turn into self-entitled victims that view everything from the standpoint of fair vs unfair, of course strictly from their own point of view. I hate liberals.

  2. The debate rages on for Nature versus Nurture. Genetics has a great imprint on how a person thinks (or not). Nurturing reinforces this imprint all during the formative years of childhood. The endgame is what you are in adulthood. With Conservatives, who care about others, not just themselves, it is apparent. For self-serving progressives, it is all about “me”. Hence, the major differences are manifested between Trump versus Clinton, between Americans versus Hussein. The progressive liberals make the noise of caring, of sacrifice, but it always comes out the same in actions…”This is for me, screw you, you lowlife dogs.” Hillary is their go-to, their goddess.

  3. This is insanity. What next? The Progressive Obama Department of Perpetual Wiping? I raised 3 kids and each one was totally toilet trained by 2 and read fluently before they ever stepped in a school. Nowadays, I see little brats running all over the place with diapers on at the age of 5 – little Future Social Justice Imbeciles annoying the crap out everyone. Show me a brat and I’ll show you a kid who’s parent’s have imposed no bedtime, no sit-at-the-table mealtime, and no toilet training. This ain’t rocket science. Put down the liberal “nonjudgmental” parenting magazines and blogs and get back to being a real parent. Your children need you to.

  4. I just came up with the proper way to deal with as 12-yr-old who cannot competently wipe his own ass. Spread him out and tie him face down to your pickup bed, then drive him through the car wash, the old-fashioned kind with the brushes instead of the cloth strips.

  5. vietvet – our long-haired female routinely does the “bat-out-of-hell” exit from the “litter box room”……i don’t just have to wipe her butt, but most of the time, the wall and the floor as well, because of “hangers-on”……..we try to keep her butt hair trimmed, but she’s not very co-operative…’d think after all these years, she’d realize we’re doing her a favor…but no…….

    luckily,our human offspring learned not to wipe their poo all over the house at a much earlier age… least, in cat years……lol……

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