How the “Trump called white supremacists very fine people” lie was spread – IOTW Report

How the “Trump called white supremacists very fine people” lie was spread

Whenever you hear anyone mouth the lie that Trump called white supremacists very fine people, send them this clip and ask them which douchebag in the grapevine most accurately characterizes them.

ht/ c. steven tucker

9 Comments on How the “Trump called white supremacists very fine people” lie was spread

  1. The most common technique of effective lying is taking situations out of context. That way the liar can claim they are stating the truth (which they technically are). Attorneys are masters of this and use it in the courtroom all the time. A major difference between the thought processes of conservatives and liberals is that conservatives seek FULL CONTEXT while liberals are limited to snippets of partial contexts.

  2. Everyone on the right was there lawfully exercising their legal right to free speech and assembly.

    Everyone on the left was there, many wearing masks and carrying some type of weapon, to commit crimes against the people on the right for the express reason of shutting down and taking away their right to speak and assemble.

    The good people were on the right. They were acting legally.

    The bad people were on the left. They were committing criminal acts.

    The federal gov’t and the state gov’t of Virginia have lost their moral right to govern when they claim the people there legally are the bad people and the people there committing criminal acts are the good people.

    The gov’t and the media are both enemies of the American people.

  3. @Left Coast Dan
    You are absolutely right. The narrative is the most important weapon the Left has. The end ALWAYS justifies the means in their pea brains.

  4. Why does the left buy into these glaring lies? Because they want and need to.
    If all you had representing you were turds like Obozo how desperate would you be to find any thread to cling to?

  5. A good share of the media should be shut down and the so-called journalists imprisoned. Yea, I know, the 1st Amendment and a free press and all that but how is the falsification of the news by the Times, the Post, MSNBC, CNN, and the rest of the propaganda machine any different than yelling fire in a crowded theater.


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