How They Spend Their Day At the USDA – IOTW Report

How They Spend Their Day At the USDA

The federal employees working at the US Department of Agriculture enjoy looking at melons, twigs and berries and other assorted terms for porn on their government computers. The federal agency’s inspector general warned that workers are misusing “information technology networks to view pornographic content on government-issued computers and other communication devices.”

The IG went on to state that this isn’t just a colossal waste of time and resources, but also a security concern as the idiots accessing porn sites on their government machines make themselves vulnerable to hacking, hijacking and extortion.  More



19 Comments on How They Spend Their Day At the USDA

  1. There are more bureaucrats “working” for the Dept. of Agriculture than there are farmers, and most states have a dept. of agriculture. The USDA is a colossal waste of money and should be drastically reduced in size if not eliminated altogether.

  2. @even steven – Stop me if you’ve heard this one.

    A fellow was walking down a hallway in the USDA and thought he heard an odd sound: somebody was crying heartrendingly. He came to an office and inside was a bureaucrat in tears.

    “There, there,” he said. “What’s troubling you? How can I help?”

    “Nobody can help. It’s all over. I don’t know what I’ll do,” said the bureaucrat. “My farmer died.”

  3. Computer users have to use a code to sign in, they know who is doing this.
    Call them all together and fire top 15 offenders. Repeat every three weeks until it stops or there are no employee’s left!

  4. Can you imagine the love fest if Trump decriminalized raw milk and lifted the nonsense regs from the D of Ag and FDA? Hippy girls would be flashing him all over Cali

  5. I once worked in a union shop for one of the big telecom companies and the only rank and file members fired and never reinstated were fooking around on their computers….

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. My state has 78 usda offices. We only need maybe 3. But I think the workers probably feel that if Hillary and others get by with abuse then what the hay, they’ll do it too.

  7. true story … cross my heart & hope to die … back in the late ’80’s when every gubmint entity went full-tilt internet, anyone & everyone got blasted w/ porn … example: type in ‘whitehouseDOTcom’ & you’d get linked to a porn site … & since you linked to a porn site, practically every time you went on the internet you’d get bombarded w/ porn link pop-ups … it got to the point where I never had my screen facing any other employee for fear of a porn link pop-up …. I trembled at the thought that I’d be dragged in front of the company kangaroo court & summarily court-martialled, w/ pulling of stripes, breaking of sword & reduction in rank … paranoid? … you betcha
    anyway, the only person I know of that was disiplined for porn usage was a guy that had downloaded so much porn that his hard drive filled up … he was given a day off without pay … apparently for making IT work to replace his hard drive

  8. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, I get about 20 emails a day from porn sites in German text.

    Thing is, I have NEVER searched porn online.
    I just don’t. Perhaps I am old-school.

    However, because of THIS SITE, I have looked up terms like sphincter or Dutch Rudder, to ensure the proper spelling or context.


    BTW, save yourself, do not look up those terms! 🙁

  9. @LBS ~ lmao …. seriously, I got hauled in front of the Kangaroo Court for forwarding an email that showed a push-lawnmower attached to a bicycle where the caption read ‘my wife complained about a lack of exercise … I gave her this’ … a self-professed, company-documented, psychotropic medicated ‘person’ that got the email a few chains down, complained … go figure

  10. One of the largest, expensive, and useless federal agencies– and that is saying a lot. Designed primsrily to take your money and transfer it to corporate agribusiness. The whole thing should be closed down

  11. An employee of the USDA made up an ID card with “Phineas T. Boogerhound” with a picture of a dog – and got into the USDA complex for THREE FUCKING YEARS before one of the guards caught it!
    And if you’re unaware, USDA has some Top Secret wings to its buildings, rivaling the CIA … cuz, y’know, all of that secret agricultural stuff – and all – like when to plant beans, cabbage, peas … other secret stuff.

    izlamo delenda est …

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