How They Used the “Insurrection” to Carry Off Their “Coup” – IOTW Report

How They Used the “Insurrection” to Carry Off Their “Coup”


Regitiger explains below, only edited by me for clarity and context:

I think most, not all, but a large number of people, are totally missing what happened; and why this happened on Jan 6th.  I am going to try my best to outline the events that day, blast past the commonly held assumptions and get right down to the core corruption.

I will present this as a series of questions and answers.

♦ Q1: How do you prevent congress from delaying the certification of state electoral votes?

A: It requires a crisis. A crisis that creates an “emergency” …An “emergency” that invokes special house rules.


They played us all for suckers and they won. – Dr. Tar

32 Comments on How They Used the “Insurrection” to Carry Off Their “Coup”

  1. Dr. Tar, as I watched those event live it didn’t take to long to figure out what was going on, and their intent. In fact I remember at the end of the day, I’ll admit, I was a little disappointed in Trump for not seeing this coming. I didn’t feel suckered. I felt helpless. I’m going to take a wild guess and say you felt the same. Now I’m just pissed.

  2. They lied. And then they ALL conspired to keep lying, to lie in unison, and to stand by their lies.
    They must be made to pay. In grand fashion.

    Liz Cheney, for one, should never be able to comfortably rest on that wide ass of hers ever again. Because of her deeply held Constitutional principles.

  3. “They must be made to pay. In grand fashion.”

    Agreed, and spot on. But if these communists are going to pay, it’s going to be up to us to collect. Our justice department is no longer an American institution. The FBI, CIA, etc, are now are sworn enemies.

  4. I saw on live tv the pohlice open up the gates and let people walk inside unabated. Everyone knows the federalies teamed up with Aunt Queefa to provoke violence and some Trump supporters fought back. And then they claimed PRESIDENT Trump telling people to peacefully go home was a dog whistle for a government coup. Hey Lady Justice. Let’s roll…

  5. They played us all for suckers and they won. – Dr. Tar

    Shortly after they played us again with coof shots.
    Shortly after that they played us again with Ukraine.
    Shortly after that they played us again with nord stream.
    oh, the list can go on..
    They keep playing us on inflation, border security, mentally ill male dick choppers, climate, equity, white supremacy, diversity,…….
    oh but don’t worry, Biden is more fit (mentally and physically) than a 30 year old and the federal reserve has our economy totally under control.

    I keep getting a kick out of the people who see newly released fox news 1/6 footage and proclaim it’s fake because they saw it live on TeeVee and they never saw such thing.
    a) it’s “newly released.”
    b) you’ve seen the same clips every day for 2 years.
    c) can’t stand to see another 0.001% of footage from 40,000 hours in addition to the 0.001% you’ve already seen, can you?

    “I never saw anything peaceful on that day when it happened live so it didn’t happen.” Right. Democrats proclaimed it was the worst thing to our “democracy” since the civil war and that’s what it is, no ifs ands or buts.

    But all BLM/Antifa riots that you saw but didn’t see because they were proclaimed peaceful protests just warms your hearts.

    Fuckers will be on their deathbed from a literal government inflicted gunshot and still believe the narrative. It’s time for an actual civil war for these asswipes to have some context. What are they gonna do, throw their chopped off penis?

    FFS, 8th graders kicking 6th graders off the playground 3000 miles outside of D.C. is more of an insurrection than what we witnessed on 1/6.

  6. And in the end, yet another disastrous pick by DJT, as it turns out the worst one he made. Pence is a despicable scumbag, in on it from the get go. You think someone like Kari Lake would have taken a dive on 1/6?

    Got your book deal Mike, millions for what, 8 books sold? The fact this traitor spews BS that Trump “put his family in danger” is sickening.

  7. And that my friends is 2 twists with a spin. And orchestrated by BLM, Antifa in collaboration with the FBI. One hole here, who are those people locked up then. Innocents,yeah right. To that I say hang the TREASONOUS bastards at dawn because someone has to pay. The other hole is anyone who is not a cult member will never believe this crap in a million years. And at dawn hang the head treasonous bastard too. And that will be justice served.

  8. “Democrats proclaimed it was the worst thing to our “democracy” since the civil war and that’s what it is, no ifs ands or buts.”
    Yes, it was.
    And that’s a good thing.
    Your ‘democracy’ is not our Republic, and we don’t want your ‘democracy.

  9. Agents provocateurs. Discussed with some fellows at work prior to taking a late holiday trip. Took a few pictures of equipment at a gathering. Discussed the subject with a few folks including a very nice and quite attractive young woman dressed as lady liberty. Enjoyed the party until it was broken up, as all the best parties are, by uniformed agents of government.

    If you want revenge, vote Trump. Trump wants revenge on the people who did this. DeSantis is a hard talking hard working member of the political show and not an obvious po-faced establishmentarian. No telling what he might do in office, could be good, could be controlled opposition.

    Trump wants revenge. If you want revenge for what they did to this nation in 2020 good, you’re still thinking like a free citizen. If it’s time for bygones to be bygones and you simply want to go back to your life, to enjoy the smoldering remnants of your once proud citizenship and bleat disapproval from the pen into which you’ve been placed, by all means vote for one of the approved alternatives. Someone who doesn’t (yet) have ‘all the baggage’, an ethnic, a compromise, or a straight up supporter of the established ‘order of things’ will be and already is available to take your vote, he or she will come right to your pen to take that vote.

    If, on the other hand, you still think as a free citizen of a self governing republic, and decline the comfort of the pen, yet wish to avoid the extirpation of those smoldering remnants of your citizenship or the unthinking horror of direct action against leviathan your choice is clear.

    Revenge, revenge within the system, payback from within, Trump’s romanticism should be fully extinguished at this point and he ought come in swinging the metaphoric broadsword in mighty strokes against the parasites who so deeply infest our political state.

    The choice is clear.

  10. Very Chilling Read…


    Looks like my (and others’) suspicions of Mike (“Hoosier Daddy?”) Pence were fairly correct after all.

  11. After Thought (and/or lessons learned):

    After each trailing Democrat-created disaster gets to the point where it can no longer memory-wipe (with the help of corruptible media) all their past and current disasters from America’s attention, then the only final solution is to provoke, encourage, and/or finance war.

  12. To those who objected to ‘vote Trump’, we are at a point where we have the evidence, the knowledge, where we are fully justified in disposing of this illegitimate government, yet if we take direct action we will be destroyed piecemeal. We must push the issue within the system to a much greater extent, to wake more people up to the reality of our circumstance and push the enemy to greater heights of ridiculousness in its oppression. We can’t make the first move or the second, we have to drive them to make more blatant and foolish mistakes, to wake the sleepy sheep and avoid the holistic misery and death that will accompany civil war. Now VOTE, even if you know, as I do, that it means nothing any more. Vote as many times as you are able and vote Trump!

  13. ““If you want revenge, vote Trump.””
    How quaint.

    He’s right. Who knows these bastards better than Trump? Who’s more motivated than Trump? Use your noggin.

  14. Ahhh, did you just wake up? Fuck the massive 2020 election fraud. Close your eyes to the intentional 1/6 “insurrection” diversion to prevent ANY presentation of election fraud.

    2022 and over 70% of all voters said our country was on the wrong path and the red wave failed to happen? Fetterman “won”?? Lake lost??? Did you read The Parallel Election? Have you been following the BS that went on in Maricopa County?

    Historic inflation, a new endless war, huge energy cost increases, over the top vax disinformation coming to light, the thankfully failed Build Back Better push and I could go on but the nonexistent southern border which at the time was about 5 million illegal entries was a topper AND THIS WASN’T ENOUGH? To gain 1!!!!! Senate seat with the pathetic dem candidates?

    Gee, ya think maybe they’re getting their vote fraud game down? And you believe voting HARDERER is an option? Dude, you’re too smart for that.

    DJT got over 75 million votes in 2020, an all time high for numerous categories and lost. And the fraud was clumsy, not so in 2022. And it’ll be a smooth voter fraud running machine in 2024.

  15. Of course I’ll vote for DJT if he is the nominee but they’ve got the fraud in WA down skin tight. Scum win by just enough to avoid a recount.

    Elections are pointless

  16. And don’t forget the unmitigated disaster in Afghanistan, which was still fairly fresh. Allies falling off airplanes and suicide bombers killing our soldiers.

    And no red wave? Give me a fookin’ break


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