How Times Have Changed – 1963 Candid Camera Tells Reluctant Fliers That Their Pilot is a Woman – IOTW Report

How Times Have Changed – 1963 Candid Camera Tells Reluctant Fliers That Their Pilot is a Woman

Fannie Flagg pretends to be an airline pilot. Even the women don’t want to go up.

15 Comments on How Times Have Changed – 1963 Candid Camera Tells Reluctant Fliers That Their Pilot is a Woman

  1. I’m no damn feminist, but I read this and think of that female military trained South West pilot that landed a plane less one engine and a freaken hole in the cabin.

  2. I have to admit that when I was a young girl I bought into the myth that a woman airline pilot was a little too risky because of “that time of the month.” Now that I’m an adult, I realize it all depends on who the woman is. If it was Hillary Rodham-Clinton, I wouldn’t fly with her in the first seat. Or the second.

  3. This is actually quite sad. We still don’t have anything to memorialize all the women who ferried planes into the the war zones of WWII. And some died doing it.

  4. My dad died when I was 10, and with no living brothers, we had us a matriarchy going at our home. I thought the only thing I couldn’t do was something that needed more physical strength than I possessed. Anything else was a piece of cake. My mom was brilliant, and my sister and I knew it. Therefore, we were also. 🙂 Women pilots wouldn’t have phased me.

    A woman priest is a different story. I would never go to one for confession. Men never remember anything. Women always remember.

  5. Plain Jane, you are right, you don’t want to tell any deep dark secrets to a women. You don’t even want to tell them what you dreamt last night. It will be held against you if they don’t like it.

  6. AbigailAdams
    “This is actually quite sad. We still don’t have anything to memorialize all the women who ferried planes into the the war zones of WWII.”

    My father was a side gunner in a B24. Flew 3 tours strait. He mentioned several times in his older age how brave these women were. After all, they were landing in a war zone.
    I find it interesting the first airbase his wing flew out of was Benghazi.

  7. A mere five years later, 1968, that joke was verboten. I watch a lot of reruns of old ’60’s TV shows, and the difference between 1963 and 1968 episodes of the same show is striking. Even the difference between 1966 and 1968 is quite noticeable. The preachy prog factor went up like a rocket almost overnight, and has been in orbit ever since.

  8. The first female captain of the Galveston Ferry crashed it into the dock so hard it caused 3 million dollars damage and put that landing out of service for almost a year. She quit!
    By the way, that stewardess is beautiful.

  9. Elvis’ twin sister-failed poker face. Men are more adept at hiding their feelings. If I’m in a situation that evokes a negative emotion, I don’t have to speak a word.
    I’d like to see these people’s response to the joys of air travel today!


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