How to be a successful iOTWreport story tipster – IOTW Report

How to be a successful iOTWreport story tipster

We don’t want this article to have the wrong tone, and I might not be a good enough writer to set it properly. So trust me when I say that tipsters are very, very important to iOTWreport. We need them and we appreciate them and we want everyone to continue to send them in.

Also, this is not directed at, nor prompted by, anyone specific. We get at least 100 tips a day, sometimes more, and it’s just time to reiterate what we’ve said in the past.

Here’s how to make sure your tips are seen and used:

-First and foremost, put your screen name prominently in the email. Always, every time. The first thing that catches my eye when I’m looking for stories is a screen name. I will pass on stories that don’t have one because it is too time consuming to start chasing down who Shirley McFadden is on iOTW. If you don’t have a screen name, and aren’t really interested in the hat tip, make one up for that moment. You could have fun with that.

-Do not send multiple links in one email that have no descriptions of what they are linking to. And by descriptions I mean a really good synopsis of why I would want to link the story. Keep it short and get right to the point.

Story about a politician who rants about excessive carbon footprints and owns a taxi fleet in China with cars that have no mufflers.

That’s a good synopsis.

Do not write –

You’re going to want to see this story. Truly amazing.

What’s amazing is how fast I delete that email. I don’t mean to be mean, but if I had to click on every one of those types of emails I’d have no time left for anything else. And I’m not trying to be a martyr, either. This is important, and everyone is an important part of what we do, and I cannot stand deleting an email that I didn’t read… but sometimes I just have to, and that is a shame.

-A clever title will work on me every time.

Welfare Queen gets crowned.

But if I open this email and it’s just a link with no synopsis, I have to delete it. I know, I know, as bloggers we do that all the time. But the difference is our readers are here because they sort of like our sensibilities and for the most part they will click open our links because we only disappoint them less than half the time. (That’s the theory, at least.)

Don’t emulate that style when sending me links. My email is not a blog that I read. (Man, I sound like an idiot writing this. It sounds rude, but it’s not my intent. Believe me.) You have to tell me what it is and why it should be posted, quickly and efficiently.

-I apologize if you send in a story and you see it used on iOTW and it doesn’t have your hat tip on it.

Sometimes you see someone else’s screen name and you feel as if you sent it in hours before. In some instances the other tipster sent it in even earlier but we held the story for later in the day. Other times it’s an error on my part, but it’s not personal, trust me.

Sometimes there is no hat tip at all even though you sent it in. That’s because I already saw the story and was working on it when you sent the tip in. That happens quite a lot. I’m not interested in burning anyone out of a credit. It’s just happenstance, and I have to accept that sometimes it makes me look like a jerk. I am a jerk, but not for that reason. I always give credit where credit is due.

That’s it for now. Any questions about tips can be left in the comments. If you email me, refer to all of the above!





34 Comments on How to be a successful iOTWreport story tipster

  1. That info is much appreciated! Thanks for posting ‘the rules’.

    P.S. I doubt anyone here thinks you’re a jerk. Best site on the web in my opinion.

  2. I have friends send me links with “you have to see this”, or some variation of same. I delete that crap so fast it looks like I can actually type.

    So I know where you’re coming from there.

  3. These are tip-top tip tips, BFH!

    I take you at your word, sir, and I’d like to accept your confident assertion that you are a jerk. I’m skeptical, though, because I’ve not seen any actual evidence that that is true.

  4. O-Tay (Rascal Speak) duly noted. Makes sense to me. I’m never bothered or worry bout the H/T thingy. I just like to send, an am trying not to blast you with too many.Your Format is perfect.
    We love it just the way it is. BTW Who won the Caption this?
    Thanks for the heads up!

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