How To Combat Terrorism – IOTW Report

How To Combat Terrorism

14 Comments on How To Combat Terrorism

  1. The object is to make them afraid to die.
    They think they will be immediately transported to paradise
    Change that view say, by chipper shredding their remains directly into a pig trough and jamming all their TV channels with the footage.
    Then at least you can do away with the suicide types

  2. A bullet to the brain isn’t good enough to strike fear, plus, their brain is a small target.
    Pull all their teeth and have a nekid woman feed them piecemeal through a chipper to some hogs.
    Let them watch as their legs are eaten, then the arms, you get the idea.
    You pull the teeth cause they don’t digest, gotta protect the hogs.
    PETA might get upset.

  3. I love the way the politician making a pointless speech is utterly untouched after the explosion. Our political overlords are always unaffected by their own failures while the rest of us suffer. I don’t know if the film-maker was deliberately trying to make a statement there, but I sure saw one.

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