How To Disappear Without a Trace – IOTW Report

How To Disappear Without a Trace

Irony sent this in. It reminded him of a friend of ours, a blogger, who has completely disappeared.

Longtime readers will remember a blog we linked to all the time, and vise versa.

That guy is gone. A ghost. And his disappearance is not that much of a shock. He talked a little about survivalism, the apocalypse and getting off the grid.

I wonder if he read THIS.

20 Comments on How To Disappear Without a Trace

  1. I dont have any desire to disappear but I have thought about if Bernie gets elected (hey bozo got in twice), where would we move to? And yes I know this is still the greatest country but there is no way we’re surviving 50, 60% taxes. Im not paying it. I’ll move but where?

    Oh lawsy I hate nights of insomnia!

  2. Back in the 70s a friend of mine got into some trouble and was looking at having his freedom taken away. So his sister got him a book from Paladin Press that laid out every step necessary to disappear back in those days.

    He did successfully change his identity and started a new life in another state. I lost track of him about 20 years ago. Still wonder what happened to him.

    I’ll never forget about him telling me about being stopped by a motorcycle cop for speeding. He said he started signing his real name on the ticket but scratched it out and signed his new name. Said the cop gave him a real funny look when he did that.

    Always keep the first name the same in case somebody recognizes you and calls out your name. Better yet, go far away where that won’t happen.

    It’s not so easy to do that anymore – the name change part – without leaving a trail. And I don’t think the names of corpses are up for grabs to use anymore, like they were a couple of decades ago.

    I could disconnect very easily, but don’t know how I would change my ID. Getting away is not the hard part.

  3. The biggest problem people have is staying away from friends and
    That’s how law enforcement finds people. Watch friends and family.
    Next find out what the person likes to do. Boating. Biking. Hunting.
    It’s very hard to give up everything.
    I remember a guy who was wanted for years. He liked racing cars.
    Sure enough, found him at the track.
    Golfers are the easiest to catch. Just stake out golf courses.
    Also when people run. They head to warmer climates.

  4. I saw a story from the 70’s. A fugitive was caught using dental records.
    They knew the general area he was in and alerted dentists in that area.
    Sending his X-rays to each dentist. 3 years later. Captured.
    I would have never thought of that one.

  5. Even as a kid I always marveled at how relatively easy Bill Bixby had it in the Hulk TV show. He got by keeping his first name and just changing Banner to some variant starting with B. He always managed to have pocket money to buy new IDs (one ep showed an old lady trying to rip him off). He always managed to find some menial work, or as an electrician, oil rigger or lab janitor. And no matter where he woke up after a Hulkout, he managed to find clothes that fit, never found by the cops wandering around half naked. I figured he had to have stashed some post-Hulkout cash and clothes at the edge of town when he first arrived.

    What were we talking about?

  6. Damn teeth
    February 19, 2016 at 5:46 am
    Sending his X-rays to each dentist. 3 years later. Captured.
    I would have never thought of that one.

    Looks like they should add “pull all your teeth” to the list.

  7. My brother dropped of the grid enough that we couldn’t find him until he died. I had professional skip tracers and a County Sheriff come up empty.

    Wasn’t on purpose, but not having utility bills makes you first-level invisible.

    Feds still knew where he was though. He became seriously impoverished taking care of his wife that had come down with early-onset Alzheimers at 49.

    Off the friends/family grid but not the government’s. pretty much the opposite of normal intentions.

  8. OK, here’s the best way to disappear without a trace that I know of: Go way out in the Western desert where there are a lot of abandoned mines. You hike out to one that’s so remote that nobody ever goes there anymore. You burn your clothes and any identifying artifacts, crawl back into the deepest recesses of the mineshaft, and wedge yourself into a crevice, piling as many rocks in front of yourself as you can. Then you shoot yourself in the head with an unregistered handgun.

    What’s that? You wanted to disappear without a trace and still be alive? Well, that’s very different.

    Never mind…


  9. I wouldn’t want to do that to my son, but I have tried to come up with a plan about where to go if the SHTF and I had to bug out. I live in the city, and I’m pretty sure it would not be safe to stay.

    I thought about getting a US campground guide, or either disappearing into one of those vast federal land forests. OTOH, I’d also want to stay somewhere that I could help patriots fight back.

  10. Okay, so we have a guy here missing. He’s in his early 20’s, black with dread locks. Him and his dog go for a walk in the out back and he told friends he was visiting that he was going for a walk to get back in touch with nature. There’s a huge lake here – one of the largest in the state. This might sound racist to many but it’s true. You don’t see many black people out in the woods here, it spooks them.

    So, the dog goes back to the house without the leash. They go searching for him (Sheriff Search and Rescue), the mounted Search and Rescue, helicopters, and boats with special diving dogs. They found the guys shoes, cellphone and backpack down by the lake. It’s been over a week now and they still haven’t found him. I told the S&R people to start looking up in the trees. I got a strange look from them, but being black with dread locks in the out back with a leash spells murder to me. It’s too damn cold to go swimming in the lake, black people don’t like to be cold, and you don’t see dogs in the water here – it’s too cold.

    They’ve called off the search and he’s still missing. Another piece of the puzzle, his friends didn’t report him missing for 2 days after he disappeared!

  11. It would seem like being traced looking at a website that details ‘disappearing’ would immediately put you on a watch list to make sure ‘they’ don’t ‘lose track’ of you.

    Another possibility: ‘immigrate illegally’ in the opposite direction of those coming to Europe and the US.
    (IOW move to a third world shithole–nobody will follow you)

  12. @ Goldenfoxx

    I wouldn’t read too much into it taking two days to report him missing.

    No missing persons report will ever be taken during the first 24 hours. None.

    So, two days is the soonest you can make one.

    Also, it might be a few days before anyone realizes I’m missing too.

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