How to Launder Foreign Aid – IOTW Report

How to Launder Foreign Aid


In early 2008, the company for which I was working won a small contract to manage the airport in Monrovia, Liberia.  Before the Liberian civil war, Roberts Field had a storied history. Along with being Pan American Airlines’ main African station for many decades, aircraft from the U.S. Army Air Corps harassed and attacked the southern flank of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps.  The PanAm station chief ran the remote 5,000-acre airport and a Motel 6-like facility on the Farmington River, adjacent to the Firestone Plantation.  For their transient aircrew, Pan Am had a two-story hotel on the beach with a bar and grille where fresh lobster, fish, and shrimp were caught daily.  PanAm’s Boeing 707s and 747s stopped for fuel, food prepared by French chefs, or engine changes before traveling to South Africa or the Middle East.  Roberts Field had the longest runway in Africa and served as a Space Shuttle emergency landing strip.

Fifteen years of civil war destroyed Monrovia’s infrastructure and Roberts Field.  In 2008 Monrovia was the only capital city in the world without electricity.  Roberts Field received some electricity from the small hydroelectric plant on the Firestone Plantation.  All the former government buildings in and around Monrovia were shells, as destitute Liberians had stripped bombed buildings for whatever they could use or sell to scrapyards.  The two-story airport terminal structure had been bombed and gutted down to the concrete floors and columns during the war.  The Liberian Customs office at the airport was a two-car garage-sized structure with a single 25-watt lightbulb barely illuminating the area.  There were three desks, two with signs that read: No bribes taken at this desk.  There was a single customs official present but she wasn’t sitting at a desk with a sign.  READ MORE

8 Comments on How to Launder Foreign Aid

  1. You have to wonder how much of the 23 TRILLION DEBT
    went bye-bye overseas while my streets/sewer/water
    systems ROT away… and our kids will pay FOREVER
    on that debt.

  2. Aaaaand… Questioning why our confiscated earnings that fuel international corruption that creates criminal billionaires makes us deplorable for asking questions proves that we’re over the democrat corruption target. That’s the nature of the phony ‘impeachment’ theater. Lots of flak.

    Obama and Clintons in orange jumpsuits would be ideal, but unrealistic. Out of business is the best we can hope for.

  3. @RADIOATIONMAN HAM/CB/AM/FM/SSB November 22, 2019 at 7:48 pm

    > and our kids will pay FOREVER
    > on that debt.

    Only if you hand them over, as slaves to the “republic” you insist must be “saved”.

    (What? You thought Conservatives™ licked Muh Constitusion, just because it was shaped like a window pane?)

  4. There’s HARD corruption and SOFT corruption.
    Or, to put it another, more acceptable, way, ILLEGAL corruption and LEGAL corruption.
    The “Sugar Lobby,” the Helium Reserve, UN, USAID, kickbacks from the manning armed forces overseas (Germany, for instance), “investing” by politicians in upcoming vaccines (for instance), and the general “fund-raising” graft are examples of LEGAL corruption. Others are quasi-legal, inasmuch as they can be used as bludgeons by political opponents, but are regularly practiced by sitting politicians. Gifts, International airplane rides and vacations with “supporters,” commandeering planes from the Armed Forces to cart around family and friends (see Nancy Pelosi), paying family members and sexual companions out of campaign funds, and putting various stooges, cronies, lackies, and lovers on the Gov’t payroll (see Sandy O’Cortez and Cynthia McKinney, for examples). And then there is the ILLEGAL corruption – getting your son a seat on the board of a foreign corporation to bring home $Millions while you manipulate the levers of Gov’t to expedite whatever that corporation needs. This kind of corruption is pretty obvious and easily explained to the slap-head nose-picking public – so it’s the more dangerous and usually avoided.

    The more arrogant the bureaucracy grows, the more obvious forms of corruption they’re willing to engage. The more we tolerate, the more we get. Obola wasn’t the first corrupt President, but he certainly opened the floodgates on corruption – he “mainstreamed” it, so to speak.

    izlamo delenda est …


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