How To Make a Super Energetic Crowd — – IOTW Report

How To Make a Super Energetic Crowd —


9 Comments on How To Make a Super Energetic Crowd —

  1. DT – Smoke and mirrors with media complicity.

    Yeah, that was a real Shit Show by the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media in 2020!
    Then we proceeded to watch the evidence ooze out for the next three years!

    “You election deniers! It wuz a legitimate election”
    How is that said in the Venezuelan flavor of Spanish?

  2. …speaking of Democrat bullshit, yesterday I was trying to get from Taylor Mill Ky to my Ohio home last night when suddenly this KHP unit knifes in front of me and blocks me on the on ramp to 275. The highway is strangely empty, then as my wife notices the next exit sports a LEO cruiser as well, we see the first of the motorcycles, followed by a Mad Max crowd of Harley mounted Cinncinnati cops, and then the body of a middling sized motorcade complete with a City of Cincinnati ambulance (in KY) all booking towards US 50 and thence to points West. It wasnt clear WHOSE motorcade it was, nothing on local news or traffic reports, all I could tell is that there were no long black limos flying stolen flags, no SUVs filled with chunky chicks in suits with muffin tops blocking holster access, just some nondescript rental-looking passenger vans with a swarm of LEO concealing them.

    Later, after some diligence, the wife was able to discover it was the head ATF asshole, come to preach to a like-minded choir on the subject of violating my Constitutional rights because of crimes committed by his own Democrat factions.

    …so they shut down the whole 275 E highway from the CVG airport to the People’s Republic of Cincinnati, wasting a fuckton of police resources and taking a scarce City ambulance and crew out of service just so some Communist fuckstick could bloviate to other Communist fucksticks on the necessity of helping him with the task of shooting my dog and stealing my property, my ability to defend myself, my liberty and my life if I complained, all in the name of forestalling hordes of criminals imported, groomed, armed, and facilitated by Democrats that it wouldnt even do anything about even if his masturbatory power fantasy became 100% true, since he could ONLY attack the law-abiding that arent causing the Democrat crime problem in the FIRST place.

    “Anti-gun violence groups and local, federal law enforcement meet to save lives”

    …this ignores the fact that gun crimes are STATE crimes and none of the Federal Government’s Constitutional business unless someone is shooting at THEM. The only reason the Federal Government is “out in these streets” is because they’re pretty sure they’ve given us REASONS to shoot at them, and plan to give us MORE.

    But they put on quite a show to draw legions of the stupid and the evil to their side.

    ‘I can’t do it myself’, says the head of the Federal Department of Dogshooting Rights Violators, and in this rare instance, hes ABSOLUTELY telling the truth.

    The Gestapo could not function without neighbor turning on neighbor.

    The Stasi could not function without neighbor turning on neighbor.

    Tyranny cannot function without neighbor turning on neighbor.

    And thats what he was HERE for, to set American citizens on each other to advance the tyranny he supports.

    …think you on this; while the “crowd” around Kamala in this case may be wholly fabricated, the mobilization of people with axes to grind absolutely is not; and every one they convince that the Federal Government will facilitate that is a very real member of a crowd that actually WILL vote us into Communism, because they are too stupid to realize the tyrants will turn on THEM after they finish murdering US.

    …images may lie, but the thugs, the fools, and the folks who just plain want control over their neighbors lives are real. You need look no further than your HOA for proof of that.

    “Even in the Shire there are some as like minding other folk’s business and talking big”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return Of The King”

    …and thats who the Federal Government is busy cultivating, here and everywhere.

    Do not be decieved into dismissing just how successful the Communists have been at indoctrination over the last 60 years.

    They dont NEED it to be real.

    They just need to make enough folks think that the next steal is believable.

    …and for THAT, a CGI crowd is all you really need…

  3. Nice rant SNS. You still have outrage, which implies hope. This is a good thing by and large and wants to be passed on to the younger people.

    The only good I see in affairs recently is there are many more people willing to call democrats what they are: communist fucksticks. In either ‘84 or ‘88 the Communist Party USA quit fielding national candidates, stating ‘we can achieve all our goals through the democrat party’. That stuck with me, and history has borne out the truth in the statement. I believe the statement is still up on their website, it was a few years ago..

    We can vote ourselves in but we’ll be shooting our way out, if out we ever get.

  4. On a side note, SNS, my wife lived in Cincinnati 20 years ago before I met her…and eventually wants to move back.
    Is it really that bad? Because I’ve already experienced a commie town, Charlottesville and swore I’d never do that again.

  5. woody
    Tuesday, 13 August 2024, 15:51 at 3:51 pm

    …demographically, Cincinnati is now majority minority, with all that implies. The white liberals cluster in the Banks and in the downtown green zone, and they blew up SOME of the projects like English Woods to Section 8 the infection to the rest of Hamilton County, which itself is now run by three POC women, so no help there. I had to sell my house in Mt. Healhy (North central first ring suburb) after 24 years because I got tired putting in insurance claims on my car because of random gunshot damage from what the cops called “gang initiation ceremonies”. The County Sherriff is now a White Lesbian Democrat, so no help there either, and there are parts of Cincinnati on State routes I wouldnt consider driving my family through since the 2001 race riots where they pulled random old White women out of cars and beat them “to protest violence”. Its also now very Muslim African in some places like down towards College Hill, and Hispanics of dubious legality are now very prominent in places like Springdale and Forest Park.

    I could go on, but this is all local stuff so most folks wouldnt care. Suffice to say that, since I left that place becauase it turned to shit even though it costs me a pile of money to do so and moved WAY to the East in a different county to avoid the politics and taxes even though Im now a minimum of a half-hour from ANYTHING, I cannot in good conscience say your wife is right to want to come back here.

    I dont recommend it.

  6. Appreciate the insight, SNS.
    A lot can change in 20 years.
    I’m sending her your synopsis.
    I swore never again.

    In Charlottesville once, I rolled up to a gas station – had Rush Limbaugh on at noon. (still miss him)
    I opened my door and people could hear my door speaker. Several started yelling at me and getting angry. Almost caused a fight. I moved away – where common sense lived.


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