How to Recognize Propaganda – IOTW Report

How to Recognize Propaganda

Cold War Era Educational Film- 1957
See anything familiar?

13 Comments on How to Recognize Propaganda

  1. When I was in college I somehow started mentoring a teenager who was interested in radio (today he is one of the country’s top news-talk consultants).

    One day he called me all excited that he just got a short wave radio. He asked what he could listen to. I suggested Radio Moscow.

    “How will I know when I find them?”

    “You’ll know.”

    “Yeah, but how?l

    “You’ll know.”

    This went on for several minutes. He got very frustrated with me.

    He called me a couple of days later.

    “I heard radio Moscow. I knew.”

    During the last days of the USSR, some Soviet reporters who were in Seattle to cover the Good Will Games took a tour of a Seattle radio station.

    “They actually let you speak live on the air???”

    One more story from the Good Will Games:

    The “isn’t the US a terrible place?” crowd took some eastern bloc “journalists” on a tour to show them how bad minorities have it in this country. Those journalists were taken to Jefferson Terrace, a public housing area for low income people in Seattle. They were incredulous at what they saw.

    “I thought you were going to show us where the poor people lived. I would LOVE to live in a place like this!”

  2. I was 4 in 1957 and didn’t have a clue what communism was. But as I got older and read a lot of American and world history and grew up in a free country in the 60’s and early 70’s before the shit hit the fan with the damned Vietnam War and my generation who were called and served to military service during that war. I always knew that we were the best and was taught that we were the best and freest country in the world back then because of my dad’s generation who fought in World War 2 and Korea to keep us from tyranny first fighting the Nazi’s and the Imperial Japanese and then later the commies during the Cold war. Communism is a lie, one of the biggest damned lies ever foisted upon any people who fall under its murderous influence over the past 100 years or so. And now a lot of no nothing shitheads, braindead, indoctrinated, woke college students, Antifa types, BLM, the democrap party think that maybe the commie ideology isn’t that bad and use communist and fascist tactics against us in similar fashion to what Stalin, Mao, Ho Chi Minh etc. did before and call it good. I call BULLSHIT, Communism is a lie straight from the pits of Hell that will only enslave us and make us all equally miserable and dead if we allow the bastards on the left to get away with it. I saw firsthand the aftermath of what happened after we abandoned our S. Vietnamese allies at the end of that damned war in 1975. I have no use for any kind of authoritarian govt. including our current govt. under biden and his deep state cronies and will fight against their evil dictates which if implemented would give us 70 years of Hell just like what happened to the Russians 100 years ago. And I don’t want to see my children and now grandchildren lose all the freedoms that we had when I was a kid back in the 50’s and 60’s. Not on my life, so help me God.

  3. Trotsky angered uncle Joe greatly 102 years ago when he said the German Marxists
    (known by the German acronym NAZI. If you think ADI hated Marx read his book IN HIS OWN WORDS. I did decades ago. Twice in My Struggle he says the 2 greatest men in history were Karl Marx and Jesus Christ! I had a Professor 62 years ago tell me (and he was totally right) that any translation after 1940 by either an America or an Englishman would e done by a KGB agent or his pawn. Translator would ‘inadvertently” leave out some very important things – what I just said; or “accidentally mis translate important things. )
    were much closer to Marx’s ideal than the Russian.The Germans were pro worker and pro union.(1) Any Russian worker protesting management would either be killed or sent to Siberia.

    Leon repeated this remarks a few more times in the early 20’s. He felt he had Lenin’s backing. He may have; but by ’21 Vlad was a vegetable (STD)and uncle Joe was the man running the show. Joe put out a contract on Leon in 24. Leon’s friends warned him.In the next 16 years Trotsky would flee to 7 or 8 countries before finally living Mexico. While in Mexico Trotsky actually said uncle Joe’s anti union regime made him (Joe) A CAPITALIST! Sandinistas infiltrated Mexican police and army. They were able to get a NKVD to Leon’s house and; he put an ice pick in Leon’s temple killing him 8/20/40.

    Liberals from USSR in middle of this vid tell lies about workers. American liberals are not the only liberals lie. Russian workers have not had a say in 105 years!

    Once more for emphasis

    Trotsky a few years before his murder called uncle Joe a capitalist! Leon was still a liberal liar!

    (1). One of the first laws Adi pushed through after he won the election was a law setting from 25% to 33% of the Board of Directors for all companies would be elected by ONLY COMPANY EMPLOYEES. still the law 90 years later. Why it is not uncommon to see clerks, janitors, or secretaries on the Board of a German company. Not common; but not unusual! Proving Leon to be right!

  4. Selling fear is still the commodity sold by most governments.

    Sometimes, the fear they sell locks an entire society in the their homes, offers incentives for immunization, limits travel and work unless select citizens were deemed “essential” while others were denied freedom.

    The nefarious propaganda of Fear fed by governments to the people pits man Vs man, blacks Vs whites, Religions Vs Religion, party Vs party and rich Vs poor.

    But it could never happen here.


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