How to speak French – IOTW Report

How to speak French

29 Comments on How to speak French

  1. Never understood the appeal of learning to speak french. If you have a head cold or allergies you can’t speak.
    I’d rather not learn to talk through my nose.

  2. lol
    What makes this really funny to me is that mother always hated the French accent and she thought the language sounded dumb.
    Of course that may have had something to do with the fact she grew up on PEI, Canada and they hated the French Canadians.

  3. Chevrolet – Automobile
    Mou ze’lon – Cut the grass

    As the Germans raced across France in the late unpleasantness, instead of making them POWs they took their small arms (rifles, pistols), ran over em (small arms) with tanks, and sent em (Frogs) home.
    Unbelievably, the Frogs were insulted and pissed!
    (but they went home)

    Now, no amount of insult from the ragheads insults them.
    Greaseman used to say that you can’t get a round mouth from eating a square meal.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. My youngest had to take a foreign language in skrewl and absolutely refused to take spanish, thus taking three years of french…. they didn’t offer latin. I think he dug the french teacher.

  5. L’ol!

    Je prendre high ecole Francais. Je ne remembre pas merde.
    Although, le does aide moi when je lire les instructions s’il n’y a pas Anglais is not availaaahbluh. 🤣

    So. Vive la France et what not.

  6. In Canada product labels have to be in French and English.sometime it can be rather silly if the type of product uses the same spelling in French and English as the French put the word first and English puts it seconds so you see labels like “soup CAMPBELL’S soup.”

    There must be law that if one side of the package is English and the other side is French that stores are required to put the packages so the French label points out.

    I have no idea how to pronounce French. It is a funny language. The French word or term for “ninety” is “four times twenty plus ten.”

    I call peanuts “spiders” because I think the French word “arichide” looks like “arachnid.”


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