How to Wipe Out AIDS in a Generation – IOTW Report

How to Wipe Out AIDS in a Generation

It’s simple really, pass a law requiring an individual with HIV disclose to all sexual partners that he is indeed positive. Any violation get’s the Typhoid Mary treatment.


But that’s not going to happen because those who make the laws are more concern that such laws will “stigmatize” the HIV positive, and that would hurt their feelings and interfere with the hedonistic pursuit of gay sex.

Watch Steven Crowder discuss the issue with a gay man who is HIV positive and thinks disclosure law is a good idea.



Doesn’t the fact that there is no law for HIV disclosure mean that all gay men are going to be stigmatized as an entire population that may be positive and just aren’t telling anybody about it?

I mean to be on the safe side, don’t you have to default into the assumption that there is a very good chance that a gay man is HIV positive?

If there was a disclosure law and people who violated the law were locked up and not allowed contact with HIV negative men, then wouldn’t the environment for gay men be:

a.) safer

b.) less stigmatizing?


12 Comments on How to Wipe Out AIDS in a Generation

  1. Dumbplumber;
    Your friend is correct. Nature mitigates these things quite effectively.
    Also, as AIDS is a voluntary disease there is no justification for denying those who want it from having it except for the public expense involved. The best way to deal with the public expense is to deny it, or make the activity illegal as was the solution for thousands of years.

  2. Well, we have seen how well the liberal agenda of sexual depravity and a lack of morals and stigma ensures plenty of men and women are seduced by homosexuality.

    You want to lead a happy and healthy life? Choose heterosexuality and monogamy. Homosexuality is nature’s dead end. There is no procreation (the purpose for sex) and there is disease and death.

    Now people will scream that “I was born this way!”

    Bullshit, every time you engage in a sexual act, you chose to do so. You can CHOOSE to be heterosexual (or it you want to avoid AIDS from homosexual contact, you can be celibate).

    Don’t bother responding or ranting at me. You are welcome to do so, but I will not bother coming back to read it. The truth above is the truth. You can change your life and live better than now.

  3. Vietvet;
    Yes, that is true, but it has no bearing on the topic.
    Hetros get it by choice and deviant behavior only.
    Intravenous drug use, unprotected sex with open lesions on the genitals, S&M activities involving cutting, etc….

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