How unusual! A fight broke out at a Waffle House – IOTW Report

How unusual! A fight broke out at a Waffle House

This time, it’s the employees

… He said he wanted to stop the fight, but he stayed out of it once his wife pointed out that the women could have knives.




12 Comments on How unusual! A fight broke out at a Waffle House

  1. I remember when you saw middle class suburban folks in Waffle House.
    Also in K Mart and other once-popular chains, now in visible decline.

    Brand marketers used to openly discuss brand identity and demographics in ethnic terms. Under Leftist PC social engineering , now it’s all dog whistles and code.

    I once sat in on a Big Tobacco meeting to create a new cigarette brand specifically for lesbians, which (before “LBGTQ”) somebody’s focus group said was a juicy untapped demographic.
    They were debating code words like “today ‘a virile outdoors sports women” and Western-y place names: Dakota, Montana, Laramie. (No one suggested “Tombstone”).
    The campaign theme was to feature pairs of “outdoorsy virile young women” doing horsey couple things in Marlboro country, and antique-ing and sailing with dogs. The models all looked like a young Kate Hepburn and the feisty girl from Flashdance, which is how lesbians supposedly see themselves, according to their expensive focus groups.
    As usual, the target demo was under-$24k, but the lifestyles shown required at least $100k+, and a lot of inherited real estate.

  2. We had a drugs and prostitution ring shut down two years ago here in Knoxville. It was operating between a Waffle House next to a truck stop, an adult video store, and a pill mill. It was two miles from my house, and the hookers would toddle up to the gas station by my neighborhood for their slushees, smokes and 5 hour energy drinks. The truckers would park, go over to the adult video store, the hookers would connect with them somewhere in between. Both the truckers and the hookers would take their earnings to the pill mill next door, and the ones who had any left over would splurge at the Waffle House for a meal once a week.

    It broke up for the most part when the state nailed the MD running the pill mill. The traffic at the Waffle House dropped dramatically.

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