How Was Your Trip, Joe? – IOTW Report

How Was Your Trip, Joe?


President Joe Biden, 81, found it difficult to stay upright in 2023.

According to his annual physical conducted in February by physician Kevin O’Connor, Biden suffers from atrial fibrillation, peripheral neuropathy in his feet, and hyperlipidemia. More

13 Comments on How Was Your Trip, Joe?

  1. …and don’t forget the neurosyphilis from his decades of perversion!

    “What is neurosyphilis?

    Treponema pallidum is the bacterium that causes syphilis and, subsequently, neurosyphilis. Neurosyphilis tends to develop about 10 to 20 years after the initial infection with the bacterium. Having HIV and untreated syphilis are major risk factors for neurosyphilis.

    Meningovascular neurosyphilis

    This is a more serious form of meningeal neurosyphilis. In this case, you would also have had at least one stroke.

    About 10 to 12 percent of those with neurosyphilis develop this form. A stroke may occur in the first few months following a syphilis infection, or it may happen a few years after infection.

    General paresis

    This form can appear decades after you’re infected with syphilis, and it can cause lasting issues. However, it’s fairly rare today because of advances in the screening, treatment, and prevention of STIs.

    If it develops, general paresis may lead to several health problems, including:

    mood swings
    emotional troubles
    personality changes
    weakened muscles
    a loss of the ability to utilize language
    It can also progress to dementia.

    Tabes dorsalis

    This form of neurosyphilis is also rare. It can start to affect the spinal cord 20 years or more after the initial syphilis infection. Its symptoms include:

    trouble balancing
    a loss of coordination
    an altered walk
    vision problems
    pains in the abdomen, arms, and legs”

    TUESDAY, 2 JANUARY 2024, 16:23 AT 4:23 PM

    …from a stand that has a trapdoor he can stand on, with an arm over it holding a rope so he doesn’t fall too far. Tied around just under his chin to keep his head up the whole time…

  3. Slinkies can also gum up the works when you flush them down a toilet. My cousin did that once and my uncle had to take toilet apart to clean up the big mess, he wasn’t very happy with my cousin afterwards. Yep, joey’s gummed up the whole works and it’s proving mighty hard to flush down completely.

  4. His other ailments:

    bad breath
    toe jam
    excessive ear wax
    Crotch crabs
    various sex perversions too many to mention.
    Boils on his bottom
    Gum disease
    poop under his fingernails


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