How Would You Like a Nice Hawaiian Punch? – IOTW Report

How Would You Like a Nice Hawaiian Punch?


The left is ruining restaurant choices in Oregon. First it was a burrito eatery in Portland; now it’s a Hawaiian-themed restaurant 80 miles to the south in Corvallis.

The left is ruining restaurant choices in Oregon. First it was a burrito eatery in Portland; now it’s a Hawaiian-themed restaurant 80 miles to the south in Corvallis.

Both establishments closed almost from the moment they opened, but not because the food was bad. They were forced to cease operations because liberals had accused the owners of “cultural appropriation.”

Two weeks after Cloud Davidson opened The Hapuna Kahuna Tiki Bar & Kitchen he closed its doors amid accusations of racial insensitivity.

“I unintentionally made a mistake and I’m very sorry,” Davidson told the Corvallis Gazette-Times, which reported:

Davidson said that residents of Polynesian ancestry, including those with the Oregon State University Asian and Pacific Cultural Center, complained about a combination of factors such as the use of a Hawaiian name, traditional iconography displayed in a cartoonish way, and how plastic leis were handed off to customers.

There also were grumbles, however, that Davidson wasn’t selling authentic Hawaiian fare.

Cloud Davidson’s Facebook apology:

Dear Corvallis,

With a heavy heart I have to admit I made a huge mistake with the Tiki bar. The community has spoken and I now understand that the Tiki bar is a form of cultural appropriation. This is not okay, and I am more than happy to change.

The OSU Asian and Pacific Island Cultural Center has been very patient and kind in helping me understand the how & why of these issues and I am very thankful.

I am so very sorry that I offended anyone, as that was never my intention. I feel awful about all of it.

Sunday I’ll close the Tiki bar, take down all of the culturally significant items and then reopen Sunday eve at 730 pm for the scheduled music, as all one big Downward Dog. The new side will be a family friendly environment, have servers, yummy tropical drinks, heck we’ll even bring back the lamb burger soon! We’ll keep on with the live music, too.

I love this community so very much. Please forgive me for my lapse in judgement. I’ll do everything possible to repair as much as I can.




ht/ aloha oe

25 Comments on How Would You Like a Nice Hawaiian Punch?

  1. White Americans are allowed to serve only steaks, hamburgers, and certain kinds of chicken. Period.
    – Be careful with that fried chicken – you’re edging into some dangerous territory.

  2. This is just another demonstration of how the poisonous mindset of the regressives permeates society. No more “kumbaya” if you’re not african.

  3. Good Lord. Is Oregon leading CA and WA down the sh$tter, or following. It’s like the Pacific Ocean has poisoned the West Coast. Hey, that might be the problem. Fallout from Japan has finally fried the brains of the Western Coastal States.

  4. Cloud “consciously and willingly” chose to open a business in moonbat territory of Portland OR.
    Choices have consequences “Cloud”, and no amount of groveling at the altar of the Social Injustices Committee will render you free & clear of your indiscretions, now pay up. 💰💰💰

  5. The Hawaiians culturally appropriated Spam from the US govt. during World war 2 because of the meat shortage, so just how soon do they ban Spam in Hawaii because it’s not culturally appropriate? Save the Spam for Midwesterners where it originated and I can’t even remember the last time I ate Spam. Spam is about as fake as Velveeta cheese. Just like all the killjoys in Oregon who are concerned about what we eat and whether or not it’s culturally appropriate. Pretty soon if this crap keeps up we’ll all starve to death because nothing will be allowed. We’re all Kulaks now!

  6. My oldest daughter and her physics PhD southern husband have a home in Portland.
    They have been in Germany for the last 5 years.
    She has had me coordinating some of the repairs on their home.
    Asked when they would be back to move in so I could get some sort of time line for logistics.
    “Dad, we are selling it, at least we hope to sell it. Portland has turned totally crazy. We are moving home.”
    Just like the commercial, she is turning into her father.

  7. We have the same problem with cultural appropriation in my community. We actually have black and mexicans who appropriate white culture by finishing school, working and supporting their families. When will this stop??????

  8. Hope these cultural carpers aren’t dressed in western clothing and driving western machines etc. Better be in a loin cloth with a bone in their nose.

  9. It was his fault for not checking with the culture Nazis.
    Side note, I work in Portland most of the time, so I get a front seat view of this crap. Was sitting in my truck yesterday when a guy walks up to my truck then knocks on my window so I roll it down 3 inches, he says my car is smoking, I said yes it’s a diesel. Rolled my window back up as he still trying to tell me?
    I then just kept on smoking. I hate Portland but at 4 o’clock I’m out of there. I just hope when it hits the fan I’m not on that side of the river, these people are going to eat themselves.

  10. They elected a bi-sexual governor. Drumming and Gaia is their religion. Pity the Oregonians who have to put up with the lunacy of Eugene, Portland, Corvallis voters.

    BTW: Corvallis is hosting Special Olympics this weekend. Maybe they have some heart even if stupid. Or they just want to cash in on the travelers coming in for the events.

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