How Would You Like To Share Your Birthday With a Slick Willie? – IOTW Report

How Would You Like To Share Your Birthday With a Slick Willie?

Happy Birthday Illustr8r!

43 Comments on How Would You Like To Share Your Birthday With a Slick Willie?

  1. Several years ago I was looking at what celebrities I shared a birthdate with and found, among others Hillary. I told my Dad and he thought that was very funny, so I looked up his birthdate and found he shared it with Bill C. He didn’t think that was so funny.

  2. I reckon I’m lucky…I don’t seem to share a birthday with any famous assclowns. Just John Hancock and Chesley Sullenberger. Exact same age as him; how bout that?

    Happy birthday, ma’am; wishing you all the best.

  3. Happy Birthday dear! Don’t feel too creeped out about sharing your birthday with ol’ BJ!

    I share a birthday with Tina Fey. 🤢 I also share my birthday with George Strait ❤️🤠 so it balances out.

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday illustr8r! It’s been so much fun interacting with you all these years. 🙂

    The only famous person I will admit to sharing a birthday with is Prince William.

  5. Happy Birthday, Illustr8r!

    I share a birthday with a number of Hollyweird nitwits. It’s just as annoying knowing Slick Willy is blowing out candles on the same day as you.

  6. I have lived the most full, creative, and blessed life any three men could ever live, and God has surprised me once again with another normal blessing – I turn 75 years-old on the night of the eclipse of the century. I was born 130 miles away from Lincoln City and the path crosses directly over where my father was born. Actually for me, this is more a sign than a blessing – a Jewish boy died for me in real time in real life in 1949, and there is a statue of this real person in a major city in the U.S. to honor his sacrifice. God is great – pray for revival in America – that is the only thing (along with a crapload of AR-15’s and a semi full of ammo) that will save us from the Marxist-Progressive secular slime that is co-opting our culture and heritage, and attempting to convince (fool) America that we need to be led by emotion rather than reason.

  7. I typed in my birthday on the shared birthday site and up came 30 “celebrities”. Guess what? I had NO IDEA who any of them were! Not a clue. So, I’ll just say that I share my birthday with an uncle who’s since passed and a cousin I haven’t seen since I was 7 years old because he moved to Australia.
    But, the real reason I’m commenting is to say..


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