How You’ll Die On Mars – IOTW Report

How You’ll Die On Mars

To stir up concern amongst the “climate deniers,” the socialist left, who’ve seen their money schemes going up in carbon smoke, are talking about the need to colonize Mars because Earth will be uninhabitable if we keep enjoying comfortable lives.

Mars, with its constant subzero weather, is, according to these deranged true believers, our viable alternative habitat. They believe carbon dioxide is going to make Earth harder to live on than the red planet, a placewith nothing on it but bitter, death inducing cold.

This thinking is permeated throughout the IPCC and the Paris Climate Accords.

Popular Science wrote a piece about “How You’ll Die On Mars.”

But these sober critiques don’t deter the geniuses, like Stephen Hawking from hawking Mars.

Hawking says Donald Trump, single-handedly, will turn Earth into Venus.

(Where are those UK death panels?)

31 Comments on How You’ll Die On Mars

  1. Mars’ atmosphere is 95% CO2, yet it’s cold as hell. Don’t the climate experts keep telling us that CO2 is the driving force of warmer temperatures? Mars can reach temperatures close to 70f on the equator at noon, btw.

  2. Humans will colonize Mars but not the Antarctic and it is a hell of a lot closer and has a ready for occupancy sign on it! Maybe all those left wing losers who threatened to leave America could move there with S. Hawking and feel like they are at home on Mars! I will send them a welcome wagon basket of ice cubes for their iced daiquiris!

  3. Um . . . couldn’t we build lots of gas chambers that look like spaceships, and get the leftists to cram themselves into the ‘spaceships’ by telling them they need to escape global warming by fleeing to Mars IMMEDIATELY?

    Then turn on the gas?

    Which might, ironically, be CO2?

  4. I get sick and tired of Stephan hawking every left wing cause as though his life depended on it. He has cried wolf far too often. He will be dead and buried before the USA has any passenger carrying vehicle that will reach Mars, let alone return.

  5. Bman has the right of it.
    C02 is not the driver of global heat and cold. The Sun is.
    And using Mars as a comparison doesn’t work. Neither does Venus.
    However if you look at it..
    Venus: Closer to the sun, C02 in the atmosphere, hot.
    Mars: Farther from the sun, C02 in the atmosphere, cold
    Earth: In the middle, C02 in the atmosphere, just right.

  6. Do any of you know anyone who has actually read the book that made this man famous? “A Brief History Of Time” was one of those best sellers that very few people read from cover to cover. Hawking has been a lifelong Labour supporter, most recently coming out for Corbyn. He’s such a genius that he believes that Socialism/Communism can solve his country’s problems. Paging H.G. Wells! The Martians want their planet back!

  7. Hmmm. They’re not planning to relocate 8 billion people, many of whom are poor and hungry and didn’t go to Wellesley.

    The elite will go, with robot servants.
    There won’t be room for blacks, or Deplorables. Sorry, Deniers!
    The rest of us get to watch the Arks take off.

  8. The doctors gave Hawking four years to live when they diagnosed him with ALS in 1963. The longest known ALS patient lived for 20 years with it. Hawking is a medical miracle! 50+ years with it! A g-ddamn M.I.R.A.C.L.E!

    Jim Henson would be proud. 😉

  9. He’s just an idiot savant that’s why the elites hang on his every drooling grunt. Nothing but a lab rat strapped into a wheelchair endlessly pecking away at his keyboard. And they love him for that?

  10. The studio went through a succession of Lassies.

    ALS in 1963? I’m guessing his handlers and managers are on their 3rd or 4th “Stephen Hawking” by now.
    Never interrupt an established income stream.

  11. What’s better than a vibrant surviving society thriving in a rare time of climate stability?

    One that hasn’t been built yet because the climate doesn’t allow it, of course!

  12. This is what the Left does… they go TOO FAR.

    “Earth will become Venus.”
    “Two hundred fifty degrees.”
    “Sulfuric Acid Rain.”
    “Colonize Mars.”

    The original Hawking would never have said such sh!t.
    Even on weed. Well, maybe on weed.

  13. “Hawking says Donald Trump, single-handedly, will turn Earth into Venus.”

    Yeah, as in the goddess of love and beauty…..except for all of the lib CNN type assholes, for which there is no hope.

  14. I wonder how Steve lived to be 75. He should have died years ago with ALS. Let’s send Steve on the first space ship to Mars. He has no children, he isn’t married, he’s totally immobilized, and he would do mankind a big favor. You first Steve, oh, and take Madonna and Rosie along with you. Don’t worry about your nuts and penis, you haven’t used them in years!

  15. Mars temperatures average around -81 degrees Fahrenheit, but swing wildly depending on the season, the time of day, and the location, ranging from 86 degrees Fahrenheit near the equator to -284 degrees Fahrenheit near the poles. That means astronauts will have to be equipped to battle harsh, bitter cold.

    I don’t know about any of you folks, but I hate the cold. I like living on earth where it’s warm 90% of the time, and when it isn’t, I can travel to where it is warm. This Mars idea is a bad one.

  16. We Know the Government is up to Far More with Mars than we’re Told, so Let’s just put it on the Back Burner until Wer’e on a level playing Field !

  17. People who sell colonizing Mars are either stupid fucking morons or trolling for stupid fucking morons.

    If humanity can’t set up self-sustaining colonies on Antarctica or in the far North of Canada, where there is plenty of air and water and the average temperature is significantly higher than Mars (which has no air, likely little or no water, and is way fucking cold), then it is just flat out idiotic to even think about colonizing Mars. It’s just bullshit.

  18. I’m with TheMule. I’ve worked in the submarine force for
    over thirty years, space technology keeps the pressure in, but
    essentially the same technology.

    If they can’t do it in the Antarctic, they are fooking stoopid.

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