Howard Cosell Reports – IOTW Report

Howard Cosell Reports



Off topic from the joke above:

I was never a big fan of Cosell, but I didn’t hate him like many did. Looking back, Cosell was an early victim of Social Justice Warriors.

When he said, “that little monkey gets loose, doesn’t he?” he was pilloried.

Here’s Dick Enberg trying to defend him-


Here’s some others that got in trouble-

I have no idea what Jimmy the Greek said that was so wrong-

Al Campanis, however…  yikes-

27 Comments on Howard Cosell Reports

  1. The video clip is incomplete- Greek went on to say-

    “The black is a better athlete to begin with, because he’s been bred to be that way. Because of his high thighs and big thighs that go up into his back. And they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs, you see.”

    Still later: “I’m telling you that the black is the better athlete and he practices to be the better athlete and he’s bred to be the better athlete because this goes all the way to the Civil War when, during the slave trading, the owner, the slave owner, would breed his big woman so that he would have a big black kid, see. That’s where it all started.”
    Is it true? Is it false?
    Is it ignorant?
    Is it offensive?

    Is this racist?

    You might want him out of your employ because you think he’s dumb.
    But he’s not trying to be hurtful.
    He’s trying to be scientific.

  2. Hank Aaron always pushed himself forward as being managerial material in Atlanta as a manager (or front office person) for the Atlanta Braves. Hank was a good player, but he never really seemed to understood the nuances of the game. I personally don’t think it had anything to do with his skin color, but rather that as an individual, he simply didn’t have the mental capacity to understand the nuances of how the game was played or direct players in such a capacity … or truly understand how the game was intended to be played. I’ve also known plenty of white guys (and others) that played the game who had no such capacity either.

    I know a lot of decent people of “all colors” that truly aren’t equipped to manage a bunch of overpaid, self-important jerks into a cohesive unit that can win a championship at a professional level. They aren’t necessarily bad people at all, but they simply don’t have the skill set to do that particular task.

    As I’ve grown older and hopefully wiser, none of that really carries any negative connotations at all in my book. Bobby Cox was still the most worthless excuse for a manager that that ever took a team to the playoffs (only on the talent of the pitching staff). He was a genuine baseball moron that couldn’t think his way out of a paper bag.

  3. Jimmy the Greek wasn’t wrong in the technical sense ….. just in the sense that people that have no grasp on reality and facts control the narrative these days (and in days past as well).

  4. Anyone who touches on truth that people don’t want to hear in today’s world become a target of whatever du jour flavor of the hour – racism, sexism, humanism, religionism – take your pick.

  5. Don’t forget the famous quip from Earl Butz in 1976 about why Republicans can’t get the black vote:

    “I’ll tell you what coloreds want. It’s three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit. That’s all!”

  6. I remember the argument years ago about blacks in boxing being superior. While they dominated, it wasn’t because they were physically more adept but it was because more of them got involved in the sport.
    When eastern block countries began competing internationally their boxers dominated the sport and for the most part still do.

  7. Oh mah gerd, Koppel’s “black people, please love me” plea at the end in defense of why they can’t swim due to lack of access to country clubs and pools is pathetic.
    I didn’t know membership fees were required to swim in lakes, rivers, ponds or the ocean.

  8. People’s bubbles are comfortable.
    That’s why they form bubbles around themselves and their precious egos.
    To prick (heh heh) that bubble is unforgivable.

    We live on our illusions, myths, and legends.
    We are stirred into great passions by our illusions, myths, and legends.
    We also become highly irritated when someone impugns our illusions, myths, and legends.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. FDR, welcome back. Haven’t seen you around lately. Hope everything is well.
    Apparently, Antifa and Occupy didn’t get that memo. They are tight pussy’s themselves, got loose pants, not shoes, and will shit just about anywhere they fell like it.

  10. You have the continuum from truth to Ted Koppel virtue signaling and Cosell’s snapshot of Whiteykiller-jury nullification and today’s mainstreaming of mental illness and medical mutilation. A historical tracing from sanity to lunacy.

    Great thread.

  11. @organgrinder: “Statues, flags, movies, laws, police, schools, taxes, etc etc etc all offend blacks. What do we do next to accommodate their sensitivities?”

    We let them shoot each other.


    The Bell Curve explains a lot, and that’s because liberals cram blacks into public housing, reward them for non-work and having babies, chase the bread-winner away.

    They inter-breed and the I.Q. goes down. THAT’S why blacks can’t perform mentally with anyone else. I would have said that.

  13. @BFH December 21, 2017 at 3:39 am

    You might want him out of your employ because you think he’s dumb.
    But he’s not trying to be hurtful.
    He’s trying to be scientific.

    We’d hire hime.
    (As long as “Greek” is just a euphemism, of course.)

  14. I haven’t seen anyone else mention it but Cosell was referring to Art Monk. Thus, look at little Monk-ey go.

    I liked Cosell I prefer to have an Everyman voice vs. a bunch of jockstraps whose insight I find lacking.

    Who wants Michael Irvin and Deion Sanders outyelling each other? Or Steve A. Smith. What an annoying fuckface.

    The voice of the fans have been absent from the color booth for 30 years.

  15. 1: You find what you are looking for.
    If you send scouts out looking for seven foot tall black basket ball players, that is mostly what they will find.
    2: Practicre makes perfect.
    If you don’t have to work and you don’t have to study, all you have to do is practice your sport, you will get good at it.

  16. Nobody mentioned the “look at that monkey run” comment because it never happened.

    Cosell got in trouble after a comment he made on Monday Night Football game between the Cowboys and the Redskins, and it was about Alvin Garrett.

    Cosell: “Jake Gibbs really wanted to get this kid and that little monkey gets loose.”

    Someone alerts Cosell to the phone calls coming in about his remark and he starts defending them right on the broadcast.

    “Look at that monkey run,” is folklore.

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