How’d We Miss This? – IOTW Report

How’d We Miss This?

Ricky Maddow plays a clip of a big league manager making a prediction for one of his ball players.

When the prediction comes true she gushes- “he’s like Nate Silver!”


Nate Silver’s 2016 presidential prediction-

It seems the manager is actually good at predictions.

Nate Silver stinks at them.

7 Comments on How’d We Miss This?

  1. Being a Mariners expert…. this was over 7 years ago. Mike Blowers, aka Nostradamus, played 3rd base for the M’s in the 90’s. He currently does color commentary. Dave Niehaus, who is in the HOF as a broadcaster, died around 7 years ago. He had the best homerun calls in baseball. Now you know…

  2. Why o Why is dis news? It ranks right up there with the latest “revelation” that obamadingdong considered homeosity as a young man. With mooch that’s where he ended up.

    With Maddow no one’s listening anyway so why turn over her rock?

  3. Bill…

    Important, but disturbing as hell link. How does anybody just blow off the sick art that Podesta surrounds himself with? Never mind anything else, just look at that!

    I look around my house. Know what I see? A few Wallace Nutting landscapes, some nice nautical paintings, photos of my happy, beloved family, a cheap watercolor of Venice from a garage sale, quotes from the Bible.

    I don’t care how much money, power and influence he has. I wouldn’t trade places with this evil man for anything.

    This next may not be a popular comment, but we know it’s true: It’s not too late to repent, John!!!

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